JongKey One-Shot! (Gift for my Paz unnie < 3)

This is just a one-shot that was requested by a friend. You can read it if you want but it's gonna . Uh, I hope this is good enough. Sorry, I LEGIT did not know how to end this so I'm just going to post it how it is. Yeah, I'm lame ;P


Key sighed in frustration and rubbed his raw knuckles once more. The pressure of baking these cupcakes was getting to him. It was almost too much for him to handle. His hopes at constructing one of the finest desserts and becoming a master patisserie were almost at rock bottom.

‘I shouldn’t give up hope yet. These mistakes are just practice.’ The boy reassured himself. In another attempt, Key concentrated even harder but again, failed.

“That’s it! I’m ing done with this!” The diva yelled in anger, kicking the kitchen’s counter, “It’s pretty obvious that whatever I do always fails so why try?”

“Hey! Where’s all that noise coming from?”  Asked a voice from behind. There entering was Jonghyun, the company’s best worker and Key’s rival.  Key was almost always busy envying Jonghyun. The elder boy always took credit for Key’s work but when he did work, it was always an idea better than Key’s. Over their time working together, Key had developed a strange jealousy for Jonghyun. He envied Jonghyun yet at the same time, he adored him.

He gazed in adoration the way Jonghyun’s long yet slender fingers handled the cake mix. Carefully measuring the appropriate ingredients and making sure to never spill the mix. The concentrated look displayed upon the more superior chef’s face and the expression he made if he encountered the slightest mistake.

“You see, you’re doing it wrong. You have to…” Jonghyun continued on and on, rambling useless techniques and other random things that Key could care less about at the moment.


As you can see, I'm lame and I didn't finish it. Haha, sorry, it kinda . I just needed something to do over this boring break from school ;D


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you see, you were doing great!
I liked it!