As a YG Stan...

Can we all admit how much we are just tired of netizens? All they usually do is criticize as if they personally know the artist but can't we just enjoy the music let normal people?

1.) bom is the main thing. Idk what YG is doing (tbh it is kind of his fault BUT) netizens shouldn't blame bom if YG isn't saying anything. Bom has probably went through the most from not being able to sing to being a fake plastic doll, this drug scandal made her feel 181892x worse. Can't we all just remember these artists are still human and still sensitive of feel something when someone says something so hurtful... The kemmy thing went wayyyy too far. On the SMTM I heard people dissed them which was fine with me bc usually rap disses are taken lightly and not seriously but the kemmy thing went wayyyy too far

2.) winner's song "empty" got help from bobby and hanbin. I find it great they contributed in the album and the album was actually really good. But netizens were like "oh YG said this whole album was made entirely by winner. Empty was made by bobby and hanbin. So no" like wtf? Stfu and enjoy the good music

3.) netizens need to calm their about this bom issue and then YG will talk. If YG says the word "bom" in an article netizens will start going all crazy and hating even more if Tht is possible. Netizens need to calm down and realize they r making a bigger deal than it actually is

i am so done with knnetizens

so let's just support winner's debut and support bom please


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Well to Knetz taking aphrodisiacs IS a big deal. And YG not making a statement is genuinely frustrating them. They're really harsh about it and not very nice, but Knetz are just blunt like that. You have to kinda see it from their side. They were raised in a society where drugs are ILLEGAL point blank. No questions about it. A lot of us Int. fans don't really see it as a huge deal because it's just aphrodisiacs. But another point that completely ticked the netizens off, and tbh completely disappointed me, is that she supposedly didn't know they were illegal but she smuggled them with jellies... that's completely suspicious.

The way I see it, Knetz should just let it go. If it was a "fresh" case then I'd have a different feeling about it, but this was 4 YEARS AGO. The prosecutors let her loose whether that was any under influence or not. So the issue is pretty much done.
I don't think it is YG's fault. He is in the right for not saying anything. It's still a sensitive topic. Bom isn't well about it. And no matter how many times they try to explain themselves or the situation, it won't change people's mind.

A perfect example is when people started questioning Tablo's graduation from Stanford. No matter how many times he explained it, no matter how much evidence he presented, no matter how many people defended him, Knetizens were so stubborn that they didn't care and just continued to hate on him and attack him regardless. They were proven wrong but that's only hurt their pride and out of spite and jealousy they continued their rampage.

So I think YG knows what he's doing by letting the fire douse itself. Because no matter what he says or does, people are only going to be too proud to admit they were in the wrong.

For WINNER... I'm just happy they finally made their debut. I don't really care bout the haters who don't understand anything.

Kemmy... I have no words for her. What she did was way out of line and her company offered no apology yet, swear that it was all for a competition with no intention for it to get out and blahblahblah. Yeah, right. They did it for media play and just wanted to cover their asses.
A lot of times when you see fans complain, it's the international fans. Korean fans can have different outlooks on every situation. For example, when Seven got called out for going to the massage parlor while he was in the military, international fans flipped out and were denying, fighting while Korean fans were just like "Yeah, he probably did."
I don't understand why we can't just all calm down. We don't have to get along, BUT, these artists have trained for years and put everything on the line to achieve they're dream. In the end, we are all still human. Calm yourselves down and think about if it was you in that situation. Just because they're famous or what ever, that takes no humanity away. In my opinion, what's wrong with members of "Team B" helping with the album? Team A (aka Winner) n Team B may have been battling for the spot to debut, but they still trained, cried, laughed, and did everything together. They're friends and nothing can change that.