Sick as f*€K

I'm not gonna get into how I got sick, but does anybody know what I can do to reduce sinus pressure and keep my body temperature at bay? I was coughing and sneezing like crazy at school today.


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I know this will sound insane but if you get your fever under control and can stomach it, eat spicy food, in particular Mexican or anything with a lot of cayenne pepper. Peppers will open your sinuses and even help fight the underlying problem. At the very least, they will drain your sinuses. BUT, don't do it at all if you have been the slightest bit nauseated. Not a good mix in that case.

My other suggestion is A LOT of vitamin C. Oranges or orange juice and just flat out supplements of 500 mg or more. Don't exceed 2000 mg. Another great juice to drink because it has natural antibiotic in it is real cranberry juice. Last but not least, gargle in half water and half apple cider vinegar. It will kill the germs in your throat and can speed healing because of it's cleansing properties.

I've used all of these myself and so has my family with varying degrees of success. Everybody reacts a little differently to each of them so find which ones work for you and use them. Good luck! Hwaiting!
Everyone has said basically what I have to say. Just drink a lot of water... yeah... I hope that you feel better!^^
Taoris95 #3
Take lots of Tylenol or Motrin, it will reduce pain and swelling and reduce your fever. Be sure to rest as much as possible, and drink tons of fluids. Seriously, drink about one water bottle full of liquid every 1.5 hours. Also, if you go to your bathroom sink and make your water as hot as possible, it'll create steam. Put your head over the sink and put a towel over your head so you're breathing in the steam. It should help with your nose. Eat lots of fruits, especially citrus. The vitamin c will boost your immune system. Drinking peppermint tea (or really any tea) will help with congestion and headaches (if you're getting any). Be sure to avoid coffee, the caffeine and sugar will give you a headache when your nose is this contested. Hope this helps oppa, get well soon, arasso? If you need more help, just talk to me. Remember to see a doctor if this lasts more than seven days~ <3
get fever reliever pills? Eat hot soup,drink hot tea.
Drink water? When I get sick, my mom makes thus kind of soup that gets of my illness immediately. I'd tell you, but I don't know the recipe.