Diet Ideas?



I simply need ideas for some diets because my parents are worried that I've overweight.


I was 109 in the beginning of the year and I'm not 114/115, so I gained a lot of weight.


And I'm 5'5 if that helps.


I've been told that I've a little overweight but it's not confirmed because my doctor uses one of those unaccurate scales.


I've attempted to stay fit and healthy but that lasted for like 2 weeks, and I go back to eating whenever and whatever.


I really want to get in shape and maybe decrease on size in my pants. 


For those in America I wear a size 1 in jeans and I would like to go down to a 0.


So do you guys know any good diets or tips so I can loose like 10 pounds because I really feel fat and I want to kinda get abs. Not rock hard abs but like a flat stomach.


Please comment, I need help. 

And if you need a picture of my current body please private message me and we could see if we share any similar social medias.




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Also, just make sure you dont stop eating. Youll get sick and in the end it wont make you look good so just eat in moderation. Eating 5 small meals a day is better then 3 big meals. Make sure you look at a food chart and that your getting the recommended amount of foods each day. You still need proteins and fats and all that stuff to stay healthy. Fats can be good in moderation, you need fat to burn or in the end youll be burning your muscle which you want.
Okay well....from what I have experienced and seen being 5'5 and eating 114 is not over weight at all. Though the weight also depends on weather it be fat or muscle weight. I am 5'4 and way more then you though im considered a healthy weight, and I assure you I can in no way fit in a size 1. I personally dont think, from what you have stated, that you are over weight and to nessasarly diet, but you could jist watch what you eat to maintain and loose a bit. The biggest thing is portion control, always check portion sizes and only eat the suggested portion. Second is your startch intake. Bread is incredibly fatty so cut down on eat in bread and starches. When you eat things like bread and pasta eat wheat instead of white because its healthier for you. Go low fat or fat free on things and as snacks instead of eating chips or bars or whatever make sure to eat fruit. If you can make sure you walk or do something active for 30 minute to an hour a day then you should be good.