The 15 Day OTP Challenge (stolen from caline)

Before I start, I know not many ships my OTP ... but I still like them :)


1. Your ultimate favorite OTP

My ultimate favourite OTP is Minwook, aka Lee Sungmin and Kim Ryeowook of Super Junior ! <33333


2. Reasons you ship your OTP

There is quite a few. One of them is how I see Sungmin & Ryeowook always sing together in their songs and how they both look so cute, so choding like and and and ... to me, I find them awesome together. I like them, but thats really all I can think of. I think its unconditional? LOL :D They are also DJs for Sukira ! <333


3. The first moment that made you discover your OTP

It was when I watched their Sorry Sorry MV, before everything, my bias was Kyuhyun. Now is, but just slightly after Minwook :) So in the MV, I saw Ryeowook always sing before/after/with Sungmin & they looked really alike and they even made contact; Sungmin held Ryeowook's arm during one of the parts. That was the start :) 

4. Your favorite OTP moment

Theres lots of moments, on Sukira, on EHB Super Junior episodes & more! <33


5. A song that describes your OTP well and/or a song you wish they would cover

Aigoo I never thought of this, I'm not pretty sure yet :) I did hear an OST soundtrack for President by Kyuhyun, Sungmin & Ryeowook. It's called "Biting My Lips" and it is really really good. That's the only song I have in mind right now :)


6. Your favorite OT3 involving your OTP

Whats OT3? Is that a second or third OPT after Minwook? Yes there is :) Actually, theres about 4 more :)) LOOOL ! Here goes ...

1. Kyumin (Super Junior; Kyuhyun & Sungmin)

2. Haehyuk / Eunhae (Super Junior; Eunhyuk & Donghae)

3. Kyuwook (Super Junior; Kyuhyun & Ryeowook)

4. Jongyu (SHINee; Jonghyun & Onew)


7. Your favorite fanfiction of your OTP, by you or someone else

I don't think there's one about Minwook atm, according to the fanfics I have read ~ But I will write a Collection of Minwook One-Shots if I bother to :))


8. The biggest er to your OTP

I'm not pretty sure! I think there is Yesung, who might steal my Wook from Minnie. On the other hand, there is also Kyuhyun, who can steal my Minnie from my Wookie; theres a lot of artists out there :)) Theres also other female artists who can take them too ... *sighs* LOOL :)


9. Shuffle your iPod and make an edit of your OTP to fit the first song that plays

Woahh? I can't be bothered :))


10. Your OTP as movie/drama characters

Mwo ? I dunno atm; otherwise they can be Han Tae-suk & Yoon Joon-suh in the K-drama "Autumn Tales" LOL


11. The cutest moment of your OTP



12. The iest moment of your OTP

Eww  ~ I don't like y; I like normal :)


13. Someone that looks/acts like the child of your OTP

LOOOL I don't know !


14. Your OTP’s signature move/expression (either something they always do with each other, or something they both do on their own)

I dunno ~ Only their cute aegyo :))


15. Your favorite person on Tumblr to spazz over your OTP with, or a blog you go for your OTP fill ♥

I don't use Tumblr


Aigoo My answers were ...................... uncool. LOL


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I'm gonna do this soon~~:D Since my OTP is EUNHAE <3 , I want to ramble about them..Lol~ :D
I don't know my ultimate OTP!! Maybe Eunhae.. Or Kyuwon!!! >///<
never thought of these two anyway :)
but they're cute ^^
You're cute XD