
I thinks AFF need some column like twitter so that I can type anything about kpop there. cause this blog thingy is too stuffy. And if post too many blog people will get annoyed with me. Today I have post 4 blog including this one. And barely got comment. Okbhai. And yeah, to my new friends, i prefer you say hi to me after the approval. Maybe you might thinks Im pretty demand but that is my style. If you add me first then you say hi to me. If I add you first, im going to say hi to you first ^^ just make it simple okay. Just say hi and then you can do your own stuff. Saying hi could be saying thanks for approval for me. Just says Hi after the approval and you can choose either you still wanna have conversation with or just let have no coversation for the rest of period we being friends . Bye. Annyeong. 


P/s i really stress with the examination. So the post will more to conplain and mood swing


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keep posting.. i love reading you compalain and rant. ha ha. good luck for you exam deer. i'm using use deer instead of dear bcuz it's cute XD
Popculurejunkie #2
Hello, You should please keep posting blogs
why arent u sleeping yet at time like this?