☢ subvert。— main rapper, sub-vocal. [ incomplete ]

  cautionary tales。
001 please read all the little notes provided, they're there for a reason.
002 don't go overboard on the details because then you'll bore me.
003 don't give me a super talented gal either. give me weaknesses as well.
004 come to me with any questions.
005 don't forget the password.
  ma daiyu。
   scar  _yeoja 3.5
NICKNAMES 马黛玉 - her name in chinese..
— dai /  / common nickname that is known to everyone.
— daisy 雏菊 / a taunting nickname that minho has for her since he knows how much she despises it.
— mayu 
马屿 / nickname that her baby brother calls her since he thinks of her as a second mother more than a sister.
— yudai 
玉带 / a funny nickname that her older brother calls her since he always jokes that her name sounds deadly.

AGE  20.

BIRTH PLACE  guangzhou, guangdong, china
HOMETOWN seoul, south korea - but her parents and younger brother reside in china. her older brother did move to korea with her to keep an eye on her.

— Cantonese / fluent / mother-tongue
— Mandarin / fluent / second language that came naturally
— English 
/ mastered / she learned in school.
— Korean 
/ semi-fluent / she learned when she was scouted. she can read, write and rap great in the language but not properly speak it. she can hold a conversation for about 10 minutes and then she starts thinking too much about it.
you make me want to stab myself with a fork. ☢

  mirror, mirror on the wall。
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / gallery

BACK UP FACE CLAIM not important.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / gallery

APPEARANCE as of now, daiyu has black hair but she has dyed her hair a nice deep red before since she likes the color. she has no tattoos and only a mole/beauty mark on her left arm. 

STYLE similar to face claim's photos.
  but looks aren't everything。
— head strong, honest, observant, reliable, sarcastic, jealous, reserved.

then expand on those traits starting here. at least 2 paragraphs are recommended for this section but more is welcome. writing less than 2 paragraphs is also acceptable if you can do it properly (some can) but if you don't, then you risk getting penalized for not elaborating more.
  dig a little deeper。
PAST it's hard to believe that daiyu ever had an interest in music but as a young girl she did show signs of being artistic. she was always singing in the car as a little girl and she often did enjoy her music and she picked a lot of instruments in her school years. when she was about fifteen, she started seeing all these groups in the k-pop industry that she wanted to be a part of. she found herself listening to their music and she did find them catchy. daiyu really aspired to be a musician from then on and so she told her parents this. they were shocked but they really didn't want to deal with a moping daiyu and so they let her send in an audition through the web to a few comapnies, one of them being yg entertainment. 

PRESENT  daiyu now still isn't well liked by alot of the people in the company but she doesn't really strive to please them because she's debuting and well-they're not. as always, she isn't too close with a lot of her labelmates and she still is a little anti-social. a smile is still rare to get from her every once and a while. she respects her sunbaes.

TRIVIA this entire section is dedicated to the little quirks and fun facts about your character. there is no minimum requirement or limit to how much you write so go crazy and make your character stand out by telling us her likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies, special talents/skills, weaknesses, years training, past companies, and other random tidbits about her.
  never forget。
mother / ma, meizheng / 40 / caring, quiet, supportive, 
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a parent, a sibling, etc.
father / ma, donghai / 43 / strict, traditional, hard-working, quiet 
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a parent, a sibling, etc.
— older brother 
/ ma, dao / 23 / protective, strong, intelligent, reserved
dao and daiyu are very close. you would think these two would bicker due to their strong personalities but they are indeed best friends. daiyu looks up to her brother since he has got what it takes to make a life for himself. he currently works at a gym as a personal trainer and he tells daiyu how he dreams of having his own gym one day. even when their parents were uneasy of daiyu's decision to be an idol, dao completely supported her and knew that he would succeed. he secretly claims to be daiyu and subvert's number one fan.
younger brother / ma, ziyu / 4 / active, cute, sneaky, loud 
this little cutie adores his older sister - at least when she visits. he loves cuddling up to his older sister whenever she comes home only to trick her into giving her something. sometimes he succeeds and sometimes he fails. he is the only person who can really bring out a rare genuine smile from daiyu. daiyu will admit on interviews and such that he is the only person that can make her a giddy young girl.
best friend / kim, tae hwan / 21 / outgoing, hard-working, cute, emotional
taehwan is one of daiyu's closest friends since she became a trainee in yg. he is often called the girliest in the group considering how surprisingly cute he is despite his stone-cold features. the two met during her trainee days and though he's still a trainee, he hints at possibly debuting soon.
— best friend / jung, sol ji / 20 / tough, honest, athletic, fashionable
solji is a model under yg and the two met when daiyu was being scouted. the two didn't really speak until daiyu was officially a trainee in the company and they didn't get close until taehwan began dating solji. the two found out that they had more in common than they thought. she considers solji as the sister she never had and wished she did.

OTHERS and now you can tell us about those who your character might not be particularly close enough to consider some sort of friend. don't forget to copy and paste the format below as many times as you need to! there's no limit to how many people you include but please only include those who you think are relevant and important.
rival / song, minho  / 21 / funny, annoying, charming, smart
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a best friend or just a friend.
  song minho。
   seunghoon, jinwoo, taehyun
— mino / stage name.
— jibae / nickname that daiyu refers to him as because she knows he hates it when people refer to him and bigbang's jiyong and youngbae's 'love child'. it's a revenge nickname that she has for him since he calls her daisy. 

SUMMARY to be added...

  soul(mate) searching。
FIRST MEETING the two didn't really meet early on in their training. daiyu didn't really know about minho's existence until 'WIN: who is next?' started airing. her original bias was and still is team b's bobby. now he, she liked because she saw some of the similar styles of rap when he did his raps. daiyu will admit that she is his number one fan because she just adores him-wait when did she meet minho? oh yeah backstage when all of subvert went to support them. of course it was all traditional and polite like always when the girls went to meet all of the boys. minho bowed to daiyu and introduced himself. when daiyu introduced herself, her accent was still pretty evident in her korean. minho didn't exactly laugh at it but he found it rather adorable. if there's one thing that daiyu hates, it's being acknowledged as cute or adorable. the once small smile on her face disappeared into a straight line accompanied with furrowed brows and eyes filled with anger. minho asked if she was from somewhere else and daiyu simply responded with ' 自己 ' which translates to 'go yourself'. 

RELATIONSHIP explain here how your character and her love interest act around each other. how do they treat the other? how do others see them? things like that.

CONCLUSION shh, it's a secret. ;)
  last call。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS if you have any comments, questions, or whatever, then put that all here. if there's anything you wanted to add about your app that wasn't ask for/include in this or just something else you want us to know about your character, you can do that here too.

SCENE SUGGESTIONS there's no guarantee that they will all be used, if any at all, but they do help inspire other ideas so go crazy. you never know what might be used or what might help! also feel free to suggest songs for the group!



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