Zenith • Cho Hanbyul

Cho Hanbyul
MyHeartStainedBlue || Ti || 6-9

other names: Asoka, Trudi

— Hanstar ( Byul means star and she behaves like a celbriity even when the camera is off )
— Hani ( shortform- only her childhood friends can use it.)
— Actress Cho (same as Hanstar)

— Ione (her stage name) 

birthday & age: 29 Feb 1992, 22
birthplace & hometown: Birthplace: Geneva Swizterland, Hometown: Bali, Indonesia and Incheon South Korea
height & weight: 165 cm 54kg
blood type:AB

— Korean ( Fluent - She's korean )
— Bahasa Indonesia ( Conversational - She lived in Indonesia when she was young but forgot how to write...)
— English ( Fluent - She went to an english-medium school )
— ​Japanese ( Conversational - Learnt from her older brother and from watching anime )

faceclaim: Baek Sumin
back-up face claim: Park Sueun

Sometimes I pretend to be normal but it gets boring so I go back to being me..
personality traits:  Chic & Cool,  Generous, Savoir-faire,  Funny,  Kind, Forgiving 
Looks may fade but personality lasts forever......
Sometimes I pretend to be normal but it gets boring so I go back to being me..


Chic & Cool
Due to Hanbyul's chic & Cool attitude, elegance and reserved nature, her members and staff members call her Hanstar or Actress Cho to poke fun of her 'celebrity-like' behaviour even when off screen.

Cho Hanbyul, never, i repeat, NEVER talks about her feelings or problems and tries to solve everything herself as much as she can. She doesn't show it too. This causes a lot of trouble as sometimes instead of talking and resolving issues with the other party, she just keeps it in.  Sometimes the other party doesn't know that she is not happy with their actions or words and unknowingly continue to upset her. Sometimes the problem grows big and goes out of hand and relationships turn sour.

Being the only girl of the house  her brothers took really good care of her. They discipline her and made sure she turned out to be an elegant young lady. She's graceful, polite, considerate and carries herself around well. She's the one that the company least worries about as the staff know that she won't get herself into trouble. 

Funny and Playful
Having alot of older brothers also made her very playful and funny. Sh eloves sports especially floorball and used to be in the school team. She likes to make a variety of jokes from puns to lame stuff. Even if what she says is not funny she'll laugh first and everyone will follow suit cos she has a contagious laughter.

Kind and Forgiving
She's kind and forgiving as she takes her older brothers as her role-model. Sometimes she is too kind and forgiving which causes her to be hurt.

Savoir Faire
As a child she went out alot and was exposed to various social situations,so she's a savoir faire. She's the group's variety-dol as she is funny and considerate at the same time.

From words of praise to money  Hanbyul generously lavishes them. This also means that she is generous when disciplining those who were wrong.

Most people have never seen her angry before. If you annoy her she'll either ignore you or tell you to stop in a low scary voice that will give you nightmares for the rest of your life. She tries to make sure people around her do not get conflicts among themselves by playing the mediator role.

Hanbyul is a dongsaeng-pabo. She loves her juniors. She had been a dongsaeng since she was born and was brought up well by her sunbaes and oppas. She too wants her juniors to turn out well so she treats them very well and disciplines them when necessary. She watches over them alot and makes sure that they are feeling fine mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically, er, you get the point.... This also means that she is protective and attentive of her juniors. 

Family and Friends
Her family and friends mean a lot to her and she looks up to them alot and is afraid of letting them down.

Dreamy/Short attention span/in her own world
Retaining Hanbyul's attention  for more then five minutes its a great feat especially if she is not passionate about what it going on. Ask her to write music, sing, dance, play musical intruments or talk about Pikachu and all other stuff she loves, she will give you her 200% attention for five hours straight. But then you talk about stuff like Mathematics, tradiness or stuff she doesn't like or has nopassion for, she'll be zoning out in no time. This is a problem as she is sometimes in her own world and when people talk to her she doesn't reply them cos she doesn't know that they are talking to her. This gives people a shock of their lives cos they think that they have made Hanbyul angry and thats why she is angry with them and ignoring them.  They will start thinking about all the mistakes they did and would start apologizing.  Then she would come back to this world and would ask them why they were apologizing. Totally hilarious.

Don't mistake her for a pabo just because she's in her own world always. She very observant and tends to notice small things easily. From a slight change in the position of the furniture to quick switches in people facial reactions. So playing hidden camera pranks on her is difficult

If you disagree with her opinion, she'll listen to what you have to say. But at the end of the day, what she says, won't change. 

Not pretending to be who I am not...

likes ( from Hanbyul's POV):
Coffee ( coz its delicious )
Black Cats ( aren't they beautiful?!?!?! )
Tall Buildings ( their rooftops are windy )
​Horror movies ( you call that horror? Its funny! )
Cycling ( adrenaline rush woooo )
Hip Hop and B-boying ( dancing is ma passion and life)
 BlockB ( cos they are awesome  )
​playing musical intruments ( piano, violin, guitar, clarinet. They produce beautiful sounds.... )
Lady Gaga ( the epitome of creativity. You exoect the unexpected. )

Hitsugaya Toshiro ( how can you not luv that boy. he's protective and mature!)
Japan( kimono, Luna Sea, Sushi, Anime, Manga, Polite people what else would I want?)
Watermelon ( red, watery, jucy. Yum yum)
 Ball Games ( my bros and I play it often. Its real fun)
Singing low notes (  High notes are too mainstream for vocalists )

dislikes ( from Hanbyul's POV)
 Needles ( cos the doctors might inject a tracking device into me juz like all those movies I watch. They just look scary. It's like an unreasonable paranoia like this shiny metal thingy is going to poke through you. Scary!)
 Hospitals ( reminds too much about late uncle )
Seafood that is not Fish, Crab or Prawn ( they lookand taste weird )
Beef ( the cow gives us milk! Its our second mom! )
getting a tan ( Its easy to get but difficult to take off )
Swimming  ( I drowned before and nearly died. No time to go for therapy cos I need to train. It's not like I am going to swim or go into water everyday so shouldn't be a big problem. ^^)
Brats, ists, Ageists, Chauvinist ( erm they belong to the wrong century )
Screaming ( can't you talk like a civilised human being?)
Waking up late ( that means I have to rush to do my work later )

writing lyrics or raps
 dancing to random songs
cooking food for her family, friends and members and eating spicy foood
reading books of all weird kinds


doing acrobatics like tumbling and cart-wheeling instead of walking down the corridor / doing handstands while waiting to use the wash room/ tumbing down the steps of in between tables
writing lyrics or raps about everything and anything when she is bored. She once made a rap about crossing the road safely and a song on how to watch tv like a boss
dancing while cooking, Rapping in the shower 
 imitating people like P.O, Yongguk and Yong Junhyung
cracking knuckles before going onto stage
blinking thrice when confused 
 tracing circles on any surface within reach when thinking 

 has a youtube channel with 2000+ subcribers where she had posted videos of her dancing, covers of songs, her self-produced/composed songs and mixtapes
 was scouted into SM Entertainment in Japan
Musical Prodigy who had won an international piano competition
Knows Judo and Taekwondo 
 English Accented Korean
hate wearing contacts
 owns all of Brown Eyed Girls' Albums.
Has a black cat named Jelly which has beautiful green eyes
 diploma in piano
 has really y eyes 
currently studying in Seoul Institute of the Arts
 Has never drunk or smoked before and hopes to remain that way
wants to get a small tatoo but is scared of needles 
Loves eating sour and spicy stuff


The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or earased,it can only be accepted...

Hanbyul was born in Geneva, Switzerland and stayed there till she was 5. Then she moved to Bali, Indonesia because her paternal grandmother was unwell, where she spent the next 6 years. Soon she moved to Incheon South Korea,, where her father was working. Since young, Hanbyul was passionate about music and the arts as her maternal family in Bali runs a cultural school where she would join in the lessons when she had time to learn music and dancing. She would often run to the school after she finishes her homework and watch the teacher teach the students from the window and would write it down on her yellow pikachu notebook and try it out when she gets home. Her passion for the dance and music remained as she grew older. When she came to Korea, she found out that her cousin, Kyuhyun has debutted as an idol in this company called SM. She too wanted to audition but Kyuhyun stopped her saying that idol life was not easy and would be a hard one. Her brothers too were not very supportive of the idea of her becoming an idol even though she doesn't lack the talent or skill.  

Her youngest older brother, Hankyul was studying in Japan when she was a teenager. She would often go visit him in Japan, cos she loves her brother and she loves Japan. That is where she met Jiho and the two of them often met up whenever she came to Japan to write lyrics, rap or just talk nonsense. Both of them wanted to debut as idols because they love music and wanted to turn their passion into something tangible.  Pretty soon Jiho joined SM and later quit to join Stardom Ent and debut as BlockB 


She would also often go to Hankyul's faternity club's outings, whenever she could. Once, they were playing a game and Hanbyul had fortuanely lost the game due to her short attention span and had to do a forefiet of singing and dancing. During that time, SM staff who was somehow wlaking by that area saw her talent and decided to scout her. 

But getting in wasn't easy as her cousin, her brothers and even Jiho were telling her not to become a trainee as it was hard. Her parents told her that it was her life and they will accept what she does and Yunji said that she doesn't mind as long as Hanbyul's happy. After months of hard and difficult persuasion, she finally became a trainee.


Who you love and who love you back.....

father | Cho Yuhan | 60 | Major General  | Humorous but strict when he needs to be | Hanbyul and he father communicate mainly through the phone as he is always away due to work and she will be in her dorm. Since Hanbyul is the only daughter, she is the apple of his eye. He says that if she gets married the groom will have to stay with them.  

mother | Laure Cho | 60 |  Teacher | Naggy and talkative | Hanbyul is always seen running away from her mother. The two of them are like Tom and Jerry. Hanbyul is always getting into trouble for something when she comes back home and the two of them are always chasing or running around the house. Laure calls her daughter Trudi (her swiss name) and is a very proud mother.
Brother | Cho Hanyong | 32 | Pilot | Sarcastic and Funny | Most of their conversations happen on Skype. Hanyong is Hanbyul's favourite brother as his voice alone is enoigh to brighten her day. Its soothing and calm. Due to their big , he calls her Kid and she calls him Ahjusshi-oppa. 
Brother | Cho Hankyung | 27 | Lawyer | Witty  | This oppa is one talking-machine. Hanyong says that the reason why Hanbyul didn't talk till she was four was because Hankyung didn't give her a chance to as he kept on yapping and yakking non-stop. Hankyung is the one Hanbyul sees the most in real life as his company is beside her dorm and they eat together when both their schedules premits.
Brother | Cho Hankyul | 24 | Psychology Undergraduate | Sweet and sometimes melodramatic  | The reason why Hanbyul went to Japan and was scouted, Cho Hankyul. Hankyul was studying in Japan and since Hanbyul loves Japan she would often visit him there.  Hankyul are Hanbyul are the closest to each other  
Cousin | Cho Kyuhyun | 25 | Idol- Super Junior | playful | he calls her cow and she calls him pig. they tease each other alot.

Its not about being inseperable, its about being seperated and nothing changes....

Best friend | Woo Jiho | 22 | BlockB- Leader | Playful and talkative | they both met in Japan when Hanbyul had gone to visit her brother. She was surprised to see another person who could talk korean, like a korean as there were not many foreigners in the place her brother was staying. Both of them behave like siblings and are often seen joking around and doing all sorts of weird stuff together. Jiho is one of the people(not her family members) who can recognize her distress and forces her to speak about it. Hanbyul too is one of Jiho's trusted compaions and is often seen asking her for her opinion on things like his music, what he should say to s for their first performance etc.  

Best Friend | Yang Yunji | 22 | Undergraduate | Talkative and Whiny | people say that they are sisters seperated by some weird birth defect. When young the two of them did everything as though they were attached to each other by the hip. Yunji is another person who can recognize her distress and force her to speak about them. Since Hanbyul decided to train, the two of them couldn't hang out with each other that often so the two of them talk to each other through this online game where they battle and talk at the same time. Yunji is the only person other than her mother and grandmother who can call here Trudi and Asoka respectively.

Friend | Amber | 22 | f(X) | Funny and awkward  | Once Hanbyul was asked to help Amber, who had sprained her leg, to the first aid room. They started talking then and became good frinds due to the close . Amber and Hanbyul have alot in common as they both are foreigners and all. Amber and Hanbyul opften eat out together as the other f(x) members would be on a schedule.


Character in unchanged by circumstance......

stage name: Ione
persona: The Living Apsara
Lead Dancer Vocalist 
back-up position: Lead Vocalist Main Dancer
fanclub name: Eons
fanclub colour: diamond blue 
singing twin: Gayoon ( 4minute)
dancing twin: Minzy (2ne1)
rapping twin: CL (2ne1)
talking twin: Jung Hana ( Secret)

Hardwork beats Talent when Talent doesn't hard work........

trainee years 

— SM Entertainment ( 2013 - Present )

trainee life
 She was scouted. Hanbyul didn't have an easy time in SM.
She was a foreigner, despite having a korean surname and all, she spoke differently from the other so the other trainees avoided her. She didn't mind as long as they don't do anything to her, she was fine with it. Anyway, having trainee frinds was alot of drama there were cases of friends sabotaging each other and all. Scary. Soon she made a few good friends but most of them left SM to join other companies where they have higher chances of debutting.
She couldn't sing and dance at the same time in the beginning. It was just difficult. She could sing fantastically. She could dance fantastically. But not at the same time. It hurt her 'ego' that she worked real hard to be a trainee in order to become an idol singer to be not able to sing while performing. She might as well have became a back-up dancer. She worked really hard and practiced tirelessly so that she'll not get out of breathe if she has to sing while dancing.
Hanbyul had and still has a short-attention span so was always scolded by her trainers.
Her nickname given to her by the traniers was Ms.UN (United nations) cos if there were any problems she would be he one trying to setle the issue and most of the time she is successful so yea bu the UN is mostly not sucessful. sorrynotsorry. 
pre-debut experiences 
— Cameoed in Beast's Shock. Shadow, Caffeine. Flower and Super Junior's No Other
— has a youtube channels where she uploads her songs and mixtapes 
Thanks for loving me despite my flaws....

love interest: Lee Gikwang
back-up love interest: Son Dongwoon
group: BEAST 
birthday & age: 30 March 1990, 24

Lee Gikwang is a very sweet person. Sometimes he is very blur  and does weird stuff. He talks alot when he is feeling happy or upset about something so it's difficult to figure out if he's upset or just very happy. Gikwang is someone who likes the adrenaline rush and is always doing something. He says that even when he's sleeping he dreams about exercising or dancing or running. Gikwang prefers actions of love over words of love. That's how he was brought up. His mom had had never said I love you to him but she showed her love for him through her actions and gestures. 
Gikwang talks a lot. Like really alot. Hanbyul will just nod and head and smile. This annoys him and he'll tickle her until she ends up crying from tummy ache. Gikwang likes skinship and doing events but Hanbyul prefers to keep it simple and is rather shy about skinship. When walking together, she holds his shirt around the waist area instead of his hand. Eventhough he's disappointed he'll just let it slide and gives Hanbyul time to get more comfortable as it has only been 4 months since they started being in a relationship. The gym That Gikwang goes to is near her dorm so that's their usual meeting area. Hanbyul often cooks for Gikwang and s when she is free. Eventhough he nags at her for working hard to make food and she didn't really have to do it, he secretly loves it. s often tease about it but he laughs it out. Gikwang wasn't happy with the fact that Hanbyul was going to debut especially as an SM artiste cos he has heard many scary stories about what the company does to their idols. Hanbyul assures him that things are different now but Gikwang is still worried as being an idol is no easy job and is extremely difficult. He promises to protect her in every way he can.
how you meet/met
Her cousin is good friends with Kara's Goo Hara. Hanbyul became good friends With Hara and soon got to know Junhyung who was her boyfriend then. Through Junhyung she got close to Kikwang.
relationship: Lovers
The price of hating someone is lovign oneself less...

love rival: Min, Lee Minyoung
back-up love rival: Shin Sohae (oc)
group: Miss A 
birthday & age: 21 June 1991 23

 Min is a very bubbly girl. She is very sensitive and touchy. She very playful and often plls pranks on people but she can't take it when people pull pranks on her as she is soft-hearted and takes things seriously 
 she (min) just ignores Hanbyul most of the time because it is awkward to talk to the girlfriend of your long-time crush. Hanbyul tries to interact with Min but often fails. But Min is warming up to Hanbyul slowly and Hanbyul is glad about it as she doesn't want Min to feel upset and wants to be a good dongsaeng and friend to her. 
how you meet/met
just when Hanbyul went to visit Gikwang during one of Beast's concerts, Min was there and was flirting with Gikwang and Gikwang the dense idiot didn't realise it and was entertaining her. Then when Gikwang saw Hanbyul he introduced them to each other. 
relationship: Slowly friends in the making

rival: Suzy
back-up rival: Gayoon
group: Miss A
birthday & age: 1994 october 10, 20

 Suzy is a sweet girl who is very very very very playful and cheekly. She's a kind person but has a short-temper but she's humble and apologizes if she's in the wrong. She's competitive too.
 Suzy and Hanbyul are rivals because both of them are potential Nation's Daughter-in-law candidates. It seems silly but Suzy really wants to be the Nation's Daughter-in-law. Sometimes she is sour that Hanbyul is her competitior, she really wants that title and she likes Hanbyul as a sunbae. She is often confused and sometimes snaps at Hanbyul. Hanbyul reassures Suzy that she is a nice girl and they should let the public decide who shall be the Nation's Daughter-in-law. 
comments/suggestions?: Hope I did it correctly lol. I thought that your love interest being your crush or best friend or enemy was too mainstream so I made Kwang and Byul a couple. Tehehe. Apsara is celestial nymph who is good at singing and dancing. I really didn't know what to put for the Trainee life thingy. Heeh sorry if its short. Okay for the predebut experiences I thought Hanbyul and Kwang needed some platform to meet and get to know each other before dating so yea. THANK YOU! Hope you like Hanbyul!
questions?: Is my rival okay? I mean i don't like to potray rivals as total evil bitvhes cos they are not. They are nice people too!
scene requests

—  Collaboration between Min and Hanbyul then they become bffs hehehehe
— WGM with SHINee's Minho to make Gikwang jealous
— Hello Baby (omg cute kidzzz)

— Weekly Idol (random play dance all clear and they win themselves a big huge prize)
— Triple Win/Crown on SBS/KBS

— the maknae goes missing and everyone looks for her frantically. In the end she was asleep in their car.
— Kwang and Hanbyul nearly get caught by reporters. Kyuhyun scolds Kwang fro being careless Habyul defends him

— y photoshoot with Kwang  
password:  Kill Bill by B.E.G


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