R.I.P Robin Williams


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(No comment) I'm so sad right now, I grew up watching those movies with him and now he's gone!! Millions or even billions of people have him in their hearts and trig miss him. RIP
I cried so hard when my friend told me, I just... couldn't... I honestly loved that guy :(

Did you know he was the voice of Genie from Aladdin? :( He'll always be a part of my childhood

May that jolly man rest in peace ;_;
moonlightangel77 #3
This is very, very...sad news... ;_; rest in peace!
Marianations #4
Those movies in which he was a literature teacher, a father dressed up as a granny, the one with the green sticky stuff and the one in which he was Peter Pan were part of my childhood. May he rest in peace,
I grew up on this guy. I've seen all his movies...so sad. I can't even stop crying...