Rant Again.

Okay, I decide to write this blog just because, again, I cant really stand with those people who are kpoppers who are fans on some kpop group but you are saying the bad side of other group. Don't chu thinks that is unfair?

Lemme give you an example.

You're a fan of EXO. And your friend is a Black Jack. How will you react after that Blackjack said Exo-L is Exo Lips sync? What will you say or react or show your emotion when Exo always lips sync on music show? Meanwhile you never ever says something bad about 2NE1 members eventhough they have many problem which I shouldn't mention here. Well we have different interest right? So I dont want to let anybody get butthurt here or diss each other. And I would to mention again, it is only an EXAMPLE. Please dont start any fans war.

Well when you got really angry, your friend will say that you are butthurt. Cannot stand to any silly-not-so-funny jokes. But really your jokes are not joke. It is more to condemn and yeah saying that group is so bad compare to his/her favourite.


To be honest, I have been 8 years in Kpop world and I barely said bad thing about the other group in front of their fans. If I said I dont like that group, i will tell the reasons and that it. Enough. No more dissing no more bad words or no more the disadvantages that group or the members has. I cant really stand with those who acting like that. If you dont like Exo that much, dont even say bad about them infront of me in too much harsh words. I know Exo probably cannot sing live in so good condition. But they have a great performances and dance routine which I bet you probably can get an asthma after finishing 3 minutes and plus performances. It is tiring. You can't compare EXO to Big Bang which they have really different style and music genre. You cant compare SNSD with 2NE1 while the number of members 2 times bigger than 2NE1. It just unfair. I have to face this childish and unmature fans in front of my eyes now. Comparing YG and SM artist really not a good idea too. I dont really wanna say Im easily butthurt when I heard someone diss my favourite group. I just ignore and endure and let it go. But when it comes too many times and uncountable and you got your gang to diss my favourite group, so I come out with this post. I really wanna shut up your mouth that time and said " YOUR FREAKING GOOD IN EVERYTHING GROUP IS NOT THAT SOOOOOOO GOOD EITHER. PFTT. JUST SHUT UP YOUR MOUTH AND SAY NOTHING BAD ABOUT MY FAVORITE GROUP CAUSE I'M SAYING NOTHING ABOUT YOURS TOO!" I really wanna scream over their face so that they can shut up their f**king mouth and freaking ideas about my favourite group.*sorry. Bad mood on* but please. Be a respectful fans. Im fine if you dont like the group that I like. Out of hundreds group formed we might be like one same group right? You got a right to say anything but you should watch your own words. Hurting other feeling is not a good idea either. Be respectful and share the hapiness. Kpop world is not a keyboard war field or mouth to mouth fights. We mean to share a love by love different language songs and the harmonize of the songs brought by Kpop world. Not making anothe world war. I hates fan war and please dont lemme to start the fans war. I have many things to say about yours too.


Just keep spread the love and stop fans war. Mianhae for too much rant today. I got no mood to study for my midterm test so I spend my time on AFF ^^


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I'm so late on this but anywho: Best to just ignore them and let them make a fool out of themselves rather then try to stop them. They can't possibly compare EXO and Big Bang since for one thing, BB has been around longer than EXO and EXO debuted in...what 2011? 2012? No compairison what so ever. I know it's easier said then done, but ignoring the brats in our fandoms is better then trying to argue with them. Let them throw their hissy fits over meaningless stuff ^^;

The KPOP fandom has gotten out of hand with the fanwars lately, but that's why we should focus on the good fans instead of giving the fandom war starters more attention that they don't really need at all.
well, sure sm and yg have diff style, cannot be compared as both companies have great artist. sigh, i dislike the era of fanwars, i miss back in 2009 where kpop is always interact with each other and fans sharing information.. now is selfish kpop era..
I wanna hug you badly. Maybe another blog for kpop haters..
For me, i'm just gonna take it as a joke and move on. But not for kpop haters. They're being excessive sometimes.