Family Post.

I promised another post today, so here we go ~

I spent the day with Jimin when we went to visit our (adoptive) parents at noon (got a haircut in the morning -.-*):


Had junk food lunch break (at guess where) and then a light snack with mother and aunt:


Finally saw our not-puppy Kai after a few months of separation.


And as an added bonus, look what I found as we went through the photo albums:

I think this is the youngest picture of me in existence... I looked like such a pouty child.


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you look better as a child haha...okie, my opinion
LiterallyAPotato #2
Awww you were a cute kid ^_^
Omo your dog is named Kai?! EXO reference right there lol
My cousin named her 2 turtles Luhan and Sehun
#3 have a dog named Kai!?!?!?!?!?!? OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I'm hyper-ventilating because I'm a huge- hardcore fan of Exo...god you just made my day with your dog!!!!
Love your hair~~ cutie pie dog :)

So pouty, so pouty ^^
Nice hair cut man. The dog look so cute and huggable. U were one pouty looking child :)