❀ Cherry Blossom ❀ --- { Yoon Jimin } --- { Triple Threat }

Yoon Jimin
EXOtic-sone || Victoria||9/10

other names: Yang Qing Xue, Angel Yoon

— Xiao Xue - It's the short form of her chinese name which Luhan uses as an endearment.
— Min - It's the short form of her korean name which her older brother uses as an enderament.
birthday & age: December 25 1992 + 22 years old
birthplace & hometown: Toronto, Canada + Changsha, China
height & weight: 168 cm + 54 kg
blood type: ab-

— Chinese/Mandarin  [Semi-Fluent  - Jimin lived in China from the age of 13 to 16.]
— ​Canadian English [ Fluent - Jimin was born in Canada and stayed there for 13 years. ]
— ​Korean [ Conversational - Jimin learnt Korean so that when she headed to Korea as a trainee, it would be easier for her. ]
faceclaim: F(x) Krystal
back-up face claim: SNSD Tiffany Hwang

Jimin is someone who's quite affectionate as well as protective. Once she likes or even loves something, she would do anything that is in her power to keep that person or thing safe. She is also someone patient and brave. If she's teaching somebody something, she won't scold them even after the numerous mistakes they've made. She is brave through her ways of being able to even sacrifice anything for somebody she loves. She is extremely firm to her decisions which can be both a bad and a good thing. She is also really responsible and dislikes leaving things messy. She also utterly hates having someone to pick up after her. For example, she would never leave her towel anywhere aside from the towel rack as she knows how messy it would look. As someone who had been bullied before, she can be quite emotional at times. However, because of the bullying she had experienced, she turned into someone who was determined to show people that she wasn't a weakingling or a push-over. She's an easy-going person and people find it easy to get along with her especially since she can be quite agreeable.

Like every other human being, Jimin also had her negative traits. She can be quite fussy especially since she's a CEO's daughter. Sometimes, if she wants something, she has to have it no matter what but of course, it only happens around her family members and love interest. She's also a picky-eater making it difficult for people at times as she only eats certain things. Whenever she's in a bad mood, her ' princess disease ' comes out and she can be quite bossy and impolite. She can also be rather pessimistic as well as short-tempered as she dislikes being kept waiting.

Being raised as a cautious person, she doesn't act without thinking and would never run around without knowing anything about the place. She also emmits a cold aura around strangers, giving her a mysterious air. She doesn't really communicate with strangers.

— Snow : Jimin likes snow because it was during Winter when she bonded with her older brother.
— ​Fanfiction : Jimin enjoys seeing what the fans would make up of her and another idol or oc.
— ​Ancient Chinese Series - Eg. Chinese Paladin 1 : She likes ancient chinese series as she finds it interesting.
— ​Football : Back in Junior High, Jimin was the captain of the school's female football team.
— ​Stargazer Lilies : Jimin likes this flower because of it's beauty and the way it reminds her of her mother.
— Sneaker Wedges : Jimin finds it cool and stylish.
— ​Blue, Purple, Silver : These colors remind Jimin of winter.
— ​Rainy Days : Jimin likes rainy days despite it's gloomliness because to her, rain is beautiful.
— Roller Coasters : It gives Jimin the sense of freedom.

— Annoying People : It's self-explanatory. Jimin has a short-temper which causes her to hate annoying people.
— Clowns : Instead of dislike, it's more to a fear as Jimin's older brother once dressed as a clown just to scare her.
— ​Insects : Insects gives Jimin the creeps especially if they were big.
— Being called "Princess" : Jimin dislikes being called "princess" because she doesn't want people to think of her as someone girly.
— Loud and Whiny People : Jimin finds them annoying.
— Extremely Hot Days : Jimin dislikes being all hot and sweaty.
— Cheaters : Jimin believes to achieve something, one has to work hard.

— Reading fanfiction and novels especially fantasy themed.
— Playing the flute, bass guitar and piano.
— Practicing martial skills.
Watching Ancient Chinese Series.

— Jimin has to cut up her food before eating it.
— Jimin sleeptalks and reveals the truth when asked any questions.
— Before Jimin falls asleep, she would make weird sounds that sounds like she is eating something.
— Jimin, after turning off the lights would race to the bed. 
— Jimin tends to make random hand movements when she talks.

— Jimin dislikes looking at mirrors in the dark because she often has this paranoia that a murdered person would appear behind her just like a movie she had seen once when she was 5.
— Jimin likes reading fanfics and novels because it brings her to another world thus relieving stress.
— Jimin has the ability to play the piano and is currently in Grade 9.
— When Jimin was just 3 years old, her parents sent her for ballet and gymnastic lessons causing her to be extremely flexible and good in dancing.
— When Jimin was just 3 years old, her parents sent her for ballet and gymnastic lessons causing her to be extremely flexible and good in dancing.
— When Jimin was 5, she was sent to several different classes by her parents. The classes include, horse-back riding , vocal class as well as useful crafts.
— Whenever Jimin is sad, she would just distant herself from everybody and would just ignore every single person until she was cheered up again.
— When Jimin is happy, she would be just like a little kid who was inside a candy shop.
— When Jimin is mad, she would just keep quiet and would sometimes kick things.
— Jimin is afraid of clowns because of the incident with her brother,spiders because she had seen pictures of it when she was little and it scared her and heights because once, when she was little , she had witnessed someone falling off a tall building.

Jimin, like every other CEO's daughter had a perfect life. Or so it seemed to everyone. At the age of 1-7, her parents loved and cared for her making her older brother jealous and soon, it grew into hatred towards Jimin. Mad with jealousy, her older brother wanted to kill Jimin but he couldn't since their parents seemed to be around her all the time. When Jimin was just 4 years old, her older brother dressed up as a clown and grabbed a long and sharp knife from the kitchen, wanting to scare his younger sister, Jimin. When the clock struck 12, her older brother entered her bedroom where Jimin was peacefully sleeping. He pulled off the duvet and held the knife above her causing Jimin to wake up, shocked. Upon seeing the clown and the knife, she let out a loud terrifying scream. That night, she was scarred for life.

Around the age of 8 to 9, her parents became busy with business parties and meetings making it seem as if they do not love Jimin anymore when in reality they do. Taken aback, Jimin had distant herself from everyone in fear the same would happen again by immersing herself into the world of music. To Jimin , her parents seemed to love her older brother more but her parents loved both of them equally. Saddened by the thought, Jimin kept to herself only. At the age of 10, Jimin found out that she was actually adopted Completely saddenned by it causing her to become temporarily mute. However, a few months later she recovered her voice when she realized how much she missed singing. At the same time, Jimin's older brother apologized to her and tried his best to make up for the wounds and scars he had inflicted on her thus causing them to grow close

At around 11 to 15 years old, Jimin became so distant she was more like a stranger to her family rather than a family member. Her parents had no idea that she was being bullied and it was all because she wouldn't tell them. She placed not even a little bit of her trust on them at that age. It was also at the age of 13 where she moved to Changsha, China.

At the age of 16, she auditioned for an entertainment company and got accepted because of her excellent vocal techniques. Upon getting accepted, Jimin who was just 16 was reluctant to tell her parents whom she had became distant to but finally told them during a family dinner, shocking her parents who had wanted her to take over the company. Her father opposed of it at first but after some time of discussion with her mother, they finally agreed and gave in to Jimin's wishes.

father | Yoon Hyunjoong | 50 | CEO of Yoon's Corp.| Warm , Kind , Friendly , Slightly Cold, Strict | Jimin and her father are rather distant from one another especially from the incident when she was just 16 where she finds out her father had a mistress the whole entire time. She hated him for cheating on her mother and even more for betraying both herself and her mother. Because of this, Jimin would be rather cold towards her father and only reply to his questions with either a short yes, no or a shrug.

mother | Lee Jinah/ Lee Meixin | 49 | Housewife, Ex-Actress | Cheerful, Warm, Friendly, Funny, Slightly Strict | Jinah and Jimin were extremely close to one another. That is, until her mother lost all of her smiles and laughter. Because of that, Jimin desperately tried to cheer her mother up in every way, ranging from giving her mother pleasant surprises to playing jokes on her. However, all of her efforts would only go to waste as all her mother would do was nod and walk away. Jimin , who felt extremely frustrated slowly began to give up on all of her efforts thus causing her bond with her mother to shatter into pieces.

brother | Yoon Youngsoo | 20 | Model | Cold, Arrogant, Mean, Friendly (To His Friends and Jimin), Warm (To his friends and Jimin) | Youngsoo is someone who is friendly and warm to people he is close to but to people he find irritating, such as Jimin , he would be cold to them. It would seem as if he had a split personality as he turns into a different person when he is with someone his is close to as well as to whom he is not. He is rather impatient and can be rude sometimes when he doesn't get the thing he wants. Youngsoo dislikes Jimin because to him, Jimin stole all of his parents' attention. However, despite "hating" her, whenever she's in trouble, he's the first person to arrive at the situation.

best friend | Lee Doryeong | 22 | Model 

best friend | Kim Minjung | 22 | Actress 
friend | Bang Yongguk | 23 | Leader of B.A.P.
friend | Kim Jongdae | 21 | Main Vocalist of EXO


stage name: Angel
persona: The Angelic Princess
position: Triple Threat
back-up position: Lead Vocal 2 & Rapper
fanclub name: Guardian Angels
fanclub colour:
singing twin: SNSD's Tiffany Hwang | F(x)'s Krystal
dancing twin: SNSD's Yuri
rapping twin: F(x)'s Amber | A Pink's Namjoo
talking twin: F(X)'s Krystal Jung 

trainee years

— SM Ent. ( 2 years )
— JYP Ent. ( 2 years )

trainee life:

Jimin got in after in just 2 rounds of auditions. In her first around, she sent in her application through mail as she couldn't leave her house without her family finding out where she was heading. A week later, Jimin received an e-mail asking her to head into the building for a private one-to-one audition which was really actually rare for most auditionees. Jimin , trembling in anxiety went through her second round successfully and was accepted as a trainee in S.M.

Because of
Jimin's ability to dance, sing and play the piano, she was often envied by the other trainees. They were also often bullying her as they had a belief stuck in their head that she 'paid' to get into the company. Because of their constant bullying and demoralizing, she often lost confidence in herself but was often helped by her best friend and friends who supported her every step.

Jimin , because of her polite behavior towards everyone in the company ranging from the trainers to the sunbaes to the janitors, she was well-liked by everyone. Well, except for a certain group of trainees who were later kicked out because of their foul behavior. However, although she was well-liked she was also treated harshly by her trainers who refused to let her know how well she has done unless it was in exams. They would often try and pin-point every single one of her mistakes in both dancing or vocals to the point she had wanted to quit but of course, she didn't as she kept telling herself that it was for her own good.

pre-debut experiences
— Acted in The Heirs as Lee Bona
— Cameod in EXO's Wolf Drama MV
— Cameod in K.Will's Love Blossom MV

— Cameod in Huh Gak's A Person I Used To Love MV
— Cameod in Huh Gak's It Hurts MV
— Cameod in K.Will's You Don't Know Love MV
— Sang Love Rain's OST - Because it's you

love interest: Lu Han
back-up love interest: Byun Baekhyun
group: EXO
birthday & age:
April 20, 1990, 24
He is someone who is very patient and understanding as well as loving. He is also rather kindhearted as he won't hesitate to help those who are in need even if that person is his enemy. He is also someone who is very over-protective especially towards the people he loves which in this case, Jimin. He would often try and prevent harm from befalling her causing him to end up getting hurt instead. He also has a funny side to him which everyone adores and he always seems to be smiling.

However, he can also be rather..devilish especially when he's mad. He is sly , cunning and smart thus he is one of the few people who would make plans and decisions along the way. He also gets jealous easily especially when any guy goes near
Jimin. He would then prance up to them behaving all lovey-dovey towards Jimin for absolutely no reason which irks Jimin 
sometimes since it means she cannot speak to her guy friends easily.
interactions: Because the both of them were supposedly 'friendzoned', they were sometimes awkward around each other especially when their friends tease them of the way they behave which was like newlyweds. However, for example, when Jimin is approached by a guy who starts flirting with her, Luhan would always end up growing jealous and would often end up pulling her away from the guy, fuming in jealously. The same thing would happen if Luhan and
Jimin switched roles. As his ways of interacting with her becomes obvious to all of their friends, they try to let her know causing her to eventually find out.
how you meet/met:

The both of them met during High School. It was love at first sight for them though the both of them has no idea about the other person's feelings. Jimin had just reserved the music room for her use only and had even gotten her set of keys for that particular room. However, he , being the child of the school's principal too had his own set of keys to every single room of the school. When the last class of the day was over, Jimin had immediately made a dash towards the music room, excited to use it. However, what she saaw was the complete opposite of what she expected which was an empty music room with only it's equipments in it. What she saw there was a handsome young lad playing the piano while singing a beautiful tune. Unable to hold in her urge in joining in, she sang with him since she knew the song which was being played, surprising the boy who managed to continue playing beautifully. When the song was over, he stood up and walked over to her. From there, they got to know each other and became friends.
relationship: Best Friends + Crush
comments/suggestions?: None!
questions?: None!
scene requests

— A scene where they perform 'Love in an open door' together during a concert and her love interest proposes to her on stage.
— A scene where a few jealous fangirls tries to hurt Jimin after the revelation of her relationship with her love interest by throwing lightsticks at her in a concert to the point of placing a nail inside her heel causing her to be unable to perform during their next concert.
— A scene where her love interest thought her older brother was her boyfriend and gets jealous.

— A few scenes where her love interest and her got paired up for WGM and Hello Baby.
— A scene where she sees another female idol confessing to her love interest and she becomes discouraged since the female idol is very pretty.

password: Wondergirl's Nobody


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