Comeback story + very, very slow updates

I promised and I will fulfill my promises to finish the stories that I began to tell on the internet. I've just been really busy lately.

This website is included in my story-telling.

I want to make a fresh comeback with fresh new ideas before continuing with inspiration.

I will start soon with my own little sequel/interlude of the aftermath with K.O. One: Re-Act.

I feel that Zhong Wan Jun should have his little happy-ever-after ending, and since the show ended with Zhong Ji Yi Ban class not ever seeing him again, either, I've decided to give him an "OC: Original Character". (Especially since he's cute and gorgeous, duh. Once you see his face, you'll know what I'm talking about. Feel free to imagine yourself as the OC once you read my new upcoming story.)

I swear to update all my fics before I even graduate college. I literally just finished watching K.O. One: Re-Act, and the first instinct I had at around 2AM was to post to you guys my upcoming idea of a story.

There's also the matter of not seeing many fics of Spexial, a Chinese singing group to which the actor who plays Zhong Wan Jun is in. (They're awesome. Go listen to them. They increased by numbers recently.)

That's all I'll reveal and I'll reveal more in a bit with the Foreward part in this site. ;) 


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