My Day Today (and a very important something...)

So... I was bored and decided to share all the excitement that I went through today.

Firstly, I finally cleared out a friend's garage for my photo studio where I'll be taking pictures for my Uni folio.


Spacious, right? ^^ Her parents' cars will have to live outside for awhile...

I went to Uni today and visited an exhibition with a few friends afterwards:


And then got home to make dinner for Jae when he gets home and bake cookies:


Played with Dolly (and the slightly jealous Jiji) for a while:


That was my day in a nutshell. Here's a sister tag just for the lols. (Oh, those are my socks in the bg...)


Do we look alike? Haha, jks no. We're not related by blood, sorry. We're planning a bro-sis bonding day tomorrow so I'll update with more pictures of Jimin when I have time.

So, here's the platinum and rose gold VIS:

Four years together is a long time... It's a little late for couple rings so I got extra special ones. What do you think?


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Awwww so sweet~~
The garage is spacious...the chicken looks funny, lol...your sis is pretty...who the first one wearing glasses though?
LiterallyAPotato #3
The couple rings are so pretty! ><
You look like a Kpop star in these pics omg
Aw those couple rings are so pretty and sweet~ Btw your sister is really pretty! Even if you guys aren't related, you look somewhat similar! Minjae's cookies be looking pretty boss...
On my phone now T.T I'd see the pics tomorrow then
You kinda look like G-Dragon in 3rd photo oppa ㅋㅋ 'ㅅ', the photo which there are two another girls and a boy
All the best for photoshoot. The place look quite spacious. The cookies were cute and look mouthwatering. The rings sounds like best idea. Warm wishes.
eeeeeeeee the couple rings are gorgeous!! minjae will have such a lovely surprise~~