lies and writing advice

about that new markjin oneshot yes i lied weeps a river tbh. ive been trynna complete it but these days ive been hella tired and busy like y'alls got no idea. i have assignments to finish and school to worry about and by the time i get home i dont have much motivation to write. tho i still contribute at least 300 to 500 words a day so i'll get somewhere at least. by all means i dont think writing should be rushed otherwise the story wont turn out as good as i would have been hoping it to be.

but for some of u who might be interested in writing advice, i'd have to say that setting a schedule for uself is a good method. getting into the habit of writing at certain times will create a natural flow-- or at least thats how i personally view it. on weekdays, i write from 5.45pm~6.15pm then 7.00pm~8.30pm, while on weekdays i write from the early afternoon to the late evening, though it depends on my schedule and if i actually /feel/ like writing (((((and even by how long i spend procrastinating))))). so in a sense, im going back against the 'setting a schedule for urself' since most of the time, i just write whenever i feel like it. 

inspiration comes and goes and if u rly cant find any inspiration or motivation to write then well id say dont write at all. u cant force these things into u but u can most definitely find them. personally, i read books or stories which i put on a 'godly platform' to stir some inspiration and sometimes i watch movies or listen to music. a friend once told me that one method to calm urself down when ur feeling sad is to lay down on ur bed, close ur eyes and listen to some calm, soothing music, but ive utilised this into my own sorta way to slowly seep some motivation into me. think of scenarios in ur head for the story ur writing or wanting to write while listening to music and when u feel that sudden surge within ya, then get on ur lap top and start typing.

i once asked my english teacher for some writing advice and she told me to just write. and i find it to be quite effective. while i dont rly believe in the concept of forcing urself to write, to just write is quite different depending on how u perceive it. i take a cup of coffee or tea or plain water to my study desk and get myself comfortable and just start writing until i feel that ive done enough for the day. even without inspiration or motivation, i find myself being possessed by words and the pure beauty of writing almost instantaneously and that in itself, is enough to make me write 2k to 3k a day.

i'll have to end it there but hopefully /hopefully/ the markjin oneshot will be done somewhere next week or at least by next weekend. i'll leave this blog post, though, with the motto i live by when it comes to writing.

quality > quantity


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I do a similar thing when I write. I basically set myself a target of writing 500 words per day. That way I don't burn myself out and do the classic thing of 'Oh I wrote so much yesterday so I won't write anything today' etc. That's what I did when writing Swan Song and managed to complete the 42k in around two months? Something like that. It's also a case of making sure you stick to your targets and schedule etc. *nods*

It's easy to procrastinate but I find with my method of the 500 words per day, if I insist on doing my words first then before I know it they are done and moving on to do my usual tumblr and rpr etc. It also does stop you from burning yourself out and burning out your inspiration etc. Because you are writing relatively short amounts it keeps that fire burning within you, and like planning what you are going to write in the next section as you are writing etc. It keeps the idea and excitement fresh in your head.

I don't know if any of that made sense but... that's the best way I find. At least it is for me.