
Rule 1: Post the rules!
Rule 2:  Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 10 new ones!
Rule 3: Tag 5 people and link them to this post!
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them!



1. Who are your ultimate bias?

Jang Geun Suk, Lee Hongki, and Kim Junsu

2. What do you like about him/ her?

I love his Japanese albums and his acting skills

3. Do you ship / yuri pairings?

all day, every day

4. What is Love? (Not meaning an EXO song)

Love is comforting, reassuring, and strength, but it can also be tragic, obsessive, and resentful.

5. What is your favourite male Korean group?

At the moment I’m in love with VIXX.

6. What is your favourite female Korean group?

Secret! Love them!

7. Best friend or boyfriend?

Boyfriend (the group)

Best friend (their fan)

8. What do you think of me?

You’re awesome. We chat all the time and your stories are amazing.

9. What do you think of yourself?

Lost in life a little bit.

10. Your ambition(s)?

To become a writer and say screw my music education for a writing education.


SkyeBacon’s questions

  1. how long have you been a k-pop fan?

A year and a month

  1. do you love cats or dogs more? (very important question okay?)


  1. what k-pop group got you into k-pop?

I discovered Secret first, but EXO got me moving.

  1. do you love yourself?

Of course

  1. ever been/ are you an otaku?

Otaku forever

  1. do you ship straight pairings?

Yes I do.

  1. how did you get to ?

My friend got me into in 2006 when I was 11.

  1. ever played MapleStory?


  1. ultimate bias?

Jpop related: JE’s Kis-My-Ft2’s Tamamori Yuta

  1. when did you start reading fanfics?

In 2006 when my friend got me into .


My questions.

  1. Favorite kpop pairing?
  2. Favorite straight kpop pairing?
  3. Do you listen to Jpop? (if you don’t you should)
  4. Do you watch anime?
  5. Favorite anime?
  6. Do you watch Cdramas/Jdramas/Kdramas?
  7. Favorite Cdramas/Jdramas/Kdramas?
  8. If you could date any Kpop idol who would it be?
  9. What variety show would you like to go on?
  10. Do you like horror movies? (Paranormal Activity maybe?)

I was tagged by SkyeBacon.


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morgan47 #1
Going to do this here because I'm honored you tagged me but life's a and I don't have much time!!

Favorite kpop pairing?
Favorite straight kpop pairing?
Don't have one
Do you listen to Jpop? (if you don’t you should)
Does TVXQ count?
Do you watch anime?
Favorite anime?
Do you watch Cdramas/Jdramas/Kdramas?
Favorite Cdramas/Jdramas/Kdramas?
If you could date any Kpop idol who would it be?
Nope! I don't date boys shorter than me. That knocks out just about everyone.
What variety show would you like to go on?
Weekly Idol!!!
Do you like horror movies? (Paranormal Activity maybe?)
Hell no!
GrassMower #2
dogs and 4ever!!!!!!