The Problem I've Come To Face With Fanfiction.. :/

In honesty, I haven't been reading them for very long. Less than a year, and even less than that for writing them.


The problem that I have, is that I can't write fiction anymore. Just normal fiction. There would be days where I would lose myself in a story in my head, not the characters. But now, its exactly the opposite. Every story conforms to a character's personality. Nothing is completely original and purely from me.

What's worse than that, is that I'm so selecetive of what I read, and one of my criteria has got to do with who the characters are. It really .

When your whole creative genius centers around certain people instead of what you can conjure by yourself, its kinda unsettling.


But after all that's said and done, I'm still glad I found AFF. I have read many an amazing story, that has had me crying, doubling over in laughter, feeling empty or just cooing at the cuteness.


Mini mellow rant? Meh, I dunno. Just thought I'd share a simple concern. Yup.


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