Tagged by theycallmejack

1. Have you ever pulled a prank on someone?

lol yes. I pull pranks on my friends from time to time.



2. Was the orange named after the fruit or was the fruit named after the color?

I don't know. Maybe it was named after............. 



3. Would you date a dirt poor guy if he loved you?

Yes if I love him back



4. What's your favorite love story?

I don't think I have any favourite


5. Do you sing in the shower? Hehe I do xD and I like to sing sad songs cos when the water droplets roll down my face, it's all dramatic like I'm crying or something lolol

Haha yeah




6. Cheetohs or Takis?




8. What's your ethnic background?




9. What's the most expensive thing you own?

I have no idea



10. Do you like cheese?




My questions

1. Ice-cream or noodles?

2. Video games or anime?

3. Monkeys or lions?

4. Would you date a dirt poor girl if she loved you?

5. What's your favourite love story?

6. Do you dance and sing to kpop or any type of songs?

7. Ninjas or bookwarm?

8. Coke or fanta?

9. Love or friendship?

10. Fun or Crazy?





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theycallmejack #1
Why is everybody laughing at question #5? xD