A Comeback...?

I know, I know, I've been gone for the LONGEST time. I've been busy with life. What with graduating, getting ready for college, relationships and heart breaks, my mind hasn't really been on updating any of my stories. BUT the thought always lingers in the back of my mind. A constant nagging voice that says "Kacey! What are you doing?! Start writing again and finish those stories! There are people hanging by a thread here waiting to see what's going to happen next!" And then I'm like "Nobody really reads my stories anyway, so what's the point?" But there is a point. I love writing fanfics! It lets me get out all of my creative (and sometimes ual) frustrations and it puts me into crazy scenarios with people I could only dream about meeting. 

Now, with a clear mind and some personal experiences, I can come back with new ideas and stories that I couldn't offer before. I have grown and matured with my writing and I hope you guys do enjoy it. No more of this "fangirl" writing, as I like to call it. I'm taking it more seriously since creative writing is going to be my minor in college. I'm going to think of this as a sort of warm up before something big. I am working on a book, but I'm really not working on it as much as I would  like. So writing more fanfics will hopefully help in the creative process and get the juices flowing for me to really hunker down and work on the book.

Now for what to expect from me! The Girl With the Angel Wings is on hiatus and will probably stay that way for awhile. I'm still working on it, don't worry, but a chapter isn't going to be here that soon. As for K-Pop Horror Story Collection, I probably won't update that until around the fall season cause that's when I get the most inspirtation for horror related things. So maybe expect that sometime in October (but still no promises). And new things! I know I should be focusing on the things that I've been working on and have on here, BUT I do have a new story in the making behind the scenes that I have actually been working on what seems like forever. I have 3 chapters ready to go, I just want to have 5 chapters ready so I can just post one, wait awhile, and then post another without actually having to write it then and there. And while I'm doing that, I can write future chapters. So on and so forth until it's done. Want a hint as to who is going to be in it? Of course you do! Actually I'm sure you don't even care. Does anyone really read these? Anyway, I digress. It's a BAP story! Finally! And for all of those Jongup fans, you're in luck ;) 

I also have another idea for a kind of lengthy one shot. It's going to be about kind of what happened to me during this break and the biggest heart break I've ever experienced. I'm thinking a lesbian couple, but it could change. I don't want it hitting too close to home, if you know what I mean. Writing this will definitely open some freshly healed wounds, but it will also help me move on and cope with it. It will definitely have a lot of my heart in it and a lot of emotion and anger that I've been feeling lately. I'll try to not make it the longest one shot you've ever read, but it could be lengthy. I don't want to make it into some strung out chapter story. It might even become a 2 shot, but for now, in my head, it's going to be a one shot. 

Anyway, thank you for reading my ramblings for those of you who might actually read this. I'm sure no one will and I'm just talking to myself right now, but, hey, it does help. So keep a close eye on my account and look out for some new stuff! I will try to keep you guys updated on what's going on and whether or not I'm going to post something.

Until next time! ;)


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