[tagged] but I ain't tagging anyone again

Rule 1: Post the rules!
Rule 2:  Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 10 new one's!
Rule 3: Tag 5 people and link them to this post!
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them!



1. What do you think about ME? or What do you think is the best job and why (answer which you wanted to[can be both], like an essay question XD /jk/)

You're kind (probably too kind). SANTAAAA you're our forever santa. the best job is probably........................ doing what you love, earn enough money by it, and at the same time as a service for God

2. Who is the most tallented KPOP group and why?

There are lots of tallented Kpop groups but I have to vote for B.A.P (since I'm B.A.P-biased anyway) and Big Bang. B.A.P (some members) can hit a really high note and the other can hit a really low note lol. The raps are good, the dances are hardcore, and the vocals are no joke.
Big Bang coz they're probably the king. Same like B.A.P, there's someone in Big Bang that can see really high note or really low note. Taeyang's and Seungri's dances are fab. Their raps are WTF and vocals are WOW

3. What do you think about KPOP's influence in our generation?

not that good, not that bad. Normal. Making new groups, but at the same time separating the groups too. I can't say it's a good influence, nor a bad one. Just, like that.

4. Who is your ultimate group and bias? (only 1)

B.A.P and my UB is (are) BangHimDaeJaeUpLo. No one can change that

5. What do you think about BTS and ARMYs?

BTS is a talented hip hop group with talented rappers. Their dances are (actually) a bit weird and non-mainstream (but not mainstream is good!). The vocals are so-so (doesn't mean they're bad) but the rappers are totally WOW. amazing. totally amazing.
ARMYs on the other side.................................................. I don't know much about them but from what I've seen and heard, meh they slowly changed into the bad-apples of E**-L or E**tics. 

6. What do you think about EXO and EXOTICs? 

EXO is actually pretty good. Their vocals are no joke too. Their dance moves are a bit wtf but not to the point of doing push-ups (OTL). 
EXOTICs. or E**-L or whatever they call it now. 
should I even start?

7. Which KPOP band you think will rule the KPOP industry next? (and please explain why)

meh idk and idgaf. probably BTS. or another rookie. BTS is growing so much and the fandom is getting bigger. so, who knows?

8. How long do you think KPOP will hold on?

not so long. Honestly, if the quality of new kpop bands are getting lower and lower, I don't even know will kpop hold on for 10 years or not. 

9. What is you fav KPOP song and music type? (can be very many, it's ok. I'm interested ;D)

all B.A.P's songs are my fav (both the title and the non-title track songs). I love all B.A.P's music type because even if it's Rock (the type of music I dislike), it somehow has the feelings that I love. I prefer Pop songs and Ballads actually. but not the OSTs one. 

10. What is your dream pet/job/house/husband?

No pet. too lazy to take care of one. My dream job, idk. My dream house, probably a spacious house with a lively garden where I can live together with my parents. My dream husband, well someone who has similar personality with my dad (OTL). My dad is the best husband (in my opinion) in the world.


My Questions:





[tagged by xx_Hug]


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mumumumu i love your answers~~~~~ <3