My Stories, school, my personal life, and albums.

My Stories

ETF: 0% (sorry!!!!!!! ><)

TTH: approximately 88%

ROF(if anyone really cares): 0% 

I also started Black birds last week, very angsty. 

I also have many other ideas that are in my "story ideas" word doc.

School updates

Okay so school starts this Thursday for me.

I'm not sure how effected my updates will be but I'll probably update just a bit more often because my mind will be more occupied with school and wing rather than reading (which has been my distraction)

I expect to come home crying on Thursday from embarrassment of getting lost and somehow finding my way into a senior class (it happened in 6th grade too don't worry it'll happen)

So I'm probably going to write out my angsty frustrations on black birds and then I'll write some light flangst(fluff x angst) in ETF after I calm down, then I'll write some major fluff in ROF then call it a day, eat some rice, and go to sleep.

......I bet that'll happen

Personal life

Okay so this past week has been very busy for me. 

So a week ago on Tuesday I went to my friend's birthday party.

It was also a slumber party and my friends has major mood swings.

The other friends she invited, she basically hates to death (don't ask, both of them have a love hate relationship and just can see why because I am amazing) so she got really ticked off the next day and I ended up getting a headache.

Then the next two days I was reading like a maniac

Then on Friday we had school registration. I met up with a different friend there and spent about 3 hours waiting in line with her and her awesome mom.

Then after that my mom went to work and my friend, her mom and me went on a girls day out (it's a little thing we do)

We stopped by the humane society to see kitties before I went home then I ended back up at the humane society for the next three days.

Yesterday (Monday) we had a freshman assembly for like tours and stuff then after that me and my friend (who had the bday party a week before) went to my house then WALKED to the humane society and BACK 

then I slept over at her house again but stayed up until knave because my leg was in pain and I forgot my pills

Now I have bruises on my legs from walking (I can hardly walk right now, legit)

YAY LIFE!!! Just kidding I'm not actually complaining, it could be worse.


OMG I'M FREAKING OUT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm getting my very first SHINee album ever!!!!!!!!!

And I'm getting the lucky star limited edition!!!!!!

It costed like 40,000 won but who cares!!!! XD

I'm gonna post a video on YouTube when I open it and I'll put it in a blog post <3333

Well that's all!!

If you actually read all this I applaud you because you are amazing.



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