Birthday XD

Alright, so I feel kinda shameful for doing this but,

I'm turning 17 today xD


Happy Belated Birthday to Me *throws confetti and spins in circles*!


LMAO...that was random xD


Ohhh, some cool facts about my bday xD


My Delinquent Boyfriend story was created last year on my bday (unknowingly),


BTS released their comeback trailer teaser (it's so daebak, as always ;D)


Zhang Li Yin released Agape and Tao and Victoria are so cute (fangirling and wishing Victoria was me xD).


Alright, so the shameless presentation has ended~~ bye~


P.S. As a bonus, I'll probably update like heck today :DD 


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Happy (belated?) birthday~~~~ woohoo
Happy birthday hun ^_^