OnTae Platonic!love

I've really been going back and forth with my OnTae fic Not Alone on whether to make their relationship romantic or keep it platonic. 

I'm a firm believer that platonic relationships are just as important and emotionally fulfilling as romantic ones, and I've been writing the fic in a way that I feel is platonic. 

I can't help but wonder what would happen if I made their relationship end up being romantic. I feel they would have noticed something by now if they felt that way though, right?

Hmm, I just feel that there aren't enough fics about platonic love. And by this I mean a deep emotional connection and love. It can still be a friendship. It's hard to describe. 

Plus, I don't think  I have the ability to write romance. I've never experienced and would just be copying sentiments from other writers. I think?


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ah phew! it is nice to know that i am not alone in having troubles writing romantic things. i have the same faith and value in platonic relationships, like you. And i think reading platonic relationships is quite fulfilling too :)
keep writing them! (so i dont feel so lonely too lol)