Queens application (finished with editing!)




Yoo Minbae

Kuro_Wol || Jas || activity rate: 9



other names: Emi Hikari


—  Curry (hikari became curry. Her Japanese friends are weird, and she likes curry)

— Ally (she lived in England for a few years and her friends there named her Allison)

birthday & age: 24th January 1998, sixteen.

birthplace & hometown: England, Newcastle

height & weight: 157 cm, 45kilos.

blood type: O pos!


— English ( fluent )

— ​Korean ( fairly fluent )

— ​Japanese ( fairly fluent )

— ​French ( not that fluent - learned it in England)

​ Arabic ( basic - self-learned cos old languages intrigue her )

faceclaim: Jung Min Hee 

back-up face claim: Lee Jung Ha (x)



personality traits

- kind: she can't walk past a helpless person (eg; beggar, homeless busker, Elderly person, etc) on the street without feeling guilty and turning back to offer assistance, even if she's late for something.

- thoughtful : always thinks of her family and friends no matter what she's doing, buys gifts for no reason other than she thinks the person would like it, always talks to them on SNS to make sure they're doing fine.

- carefree : she doesn't give a sh*t about what people think of her unless it's something that she knows is true. Always rebelling and doing stupid stuff.

- forgetful: the girl 's a bloody goldfish. She can forget things in 5 seconds yet there are times when she remembers the oddest things perfectly.

- serious: (when she has to be) esp when in comes to training and writing. She writes all of her rap parts and wrote some songs for the group. She also writes poetry in her spare time. 

- doesn't take things at face value : so what if someone looks good; s/he treats people like sh*t. And who cares if there are rumors surrounding someone when people don't really know his /her real story? 

- attitude: she often comes off as arrogant or cocky but she's actually a nice person and that's just the way she is. She is trying to rectify that, though, since many people complain about it. 

- playful : a little too playful , to be honest.

- rough : she's really dissy when it comes to something she strongly opposes to and she's also pretty boisterous.

- quite the tomboy, but also nerdy.

 - she's slightly insecure,  especially about her height. (which is kinda ironic cos she's really positive and believes that our insecurities are what makes us who we are or whatnot)

- hot tempered. She gets angry easily but she ends up feeling bashful and apologizes lol. But when she's angry, you do not wanna peeve her.


Minbae probably gets her boyish character from her name; why did her parents name her such a masculine name? She can only wonder. But min. (Wisdom ) and bae. (Inspiration) was the main idea they had. It kinda messed up to give her the name of a boy though. She's always been the playful  type. But what many don't know is that Her playful, carefree character is partly a mask to hide her true emotions. Her parents are divorced and she moved to. England to live with her father who is Korean but he works there. Her mum is Japanese.

 She's a bright kid and gets her thoughtfulness from her mum. Her care takers back in England were also nice old nannies that showed her much kindness and thus she got those good qualities instilld in her. Her forgetfulness comes from her mind always being elsewhere. She's always thinking of too many things or absolutely nothing and it doesn't just drive everyone around her nuts; it pisses herself off as well. But she can't change the way her brain works.

She's friendly, though quite the introverted individual. She doesn't mind mingling around but she treasures her private time where she can huddle up with a good book and a cup of tea.



— hiphop 

— ​food ( who doesn't? )

— ​reading (lets her enter a world where the worries of the real world fade away )

— doodling

— ​dancing. (Work up some sweat and let loose)

- tea (earl grey (: calming )
-scented candles 

-daisies, tulips, lavenders and sunflowers~ (roses are overrated )

- notebooks, writing material, artsy stuff


— metal rock ( screaming doesn't qualify as music)

— horror (why scare yourself for no reason? )

— ​eggplants. Just cos.

— her birthday ( bad memories of her parents fighting)

— boys. (Mst of them are immature and annoying)


- singing. All. The. TIme.

- writing

— gaming

— drawing

— playing the ukulele

— playing with her hair

— biting her lip..

— humming to herself

— tapping her fingers to a rhythm only she can hear.

— tucking her pencil in her ear and forgetting where she put it.


— She's smart (always top 3 in class)

— she's mature for her age

- she wonders about and appreciates the universe

— she likes the stars (cowrote Little Star by AkMu)

— she's eco friendly

-she hopes to be a doctor some day and use the money she makes from her idol life to give free education and medical treatment in third world countries (:

- she wrote quite a few songs for YG artists (will be elab later)
  - as a trainee, she often 'stalked' Tablo ahaha. Just observed him working and peeped into the studio and stuff. Tablo noticed this and let her in after seeing her a few times. She enjoyed having a companion to talk about anything under the sun and just watching the genius write music was a treat. After seeing her lyric book which she had shyly brought the elder was wowed by her talent and they wrote a little together (: she's writing with him more now since th Queens is debuting soon.

- she calls a lot of people loser or idiot, especially those close to her. It's an inside joke of a sort. /blows kisses while saying loser/



Music. Minbae hated the word for a very long period of her life. Why? Because it all led to the other thing she detested: her stepmum. It's not like the British tyrant was all that bad.. she just kept pushing her to her limits and piano classes soon became a series of torture sessions where she was taught that she was either the best, or she was nothing. Music isn't supposed to bring stress and pressure. It's supposed to bring joy. And the only thing that still kindled the little fire of hope for music that the 11-year-old had was the memories of when melodies were her everything. When soft lullabies would be sung to her as she fell asleep. And when the sound of her father playing the guitar would awaken her in the morning. The sounds of a better time. Her recollections of the past. But most of all, the memories of her mother.

12 years of age, she now lives in Japan. In lieu of her birthday, a second trial was held where she, now being of an age where she could think for herself, could choose the parent with whom she would spend the next few years of her life with would be. In a heartbeat, she picked her mother. She loved her father just as much but the feelings of longing so long pent up were just screaming to be quelled. With her mother, a world-class opera singer, she rediscovered her love for music. During one of her 2-month long stays in Korea for her mother's concerts, she met a boy in her music school. His name was Lee Chanhyuk. They became friends. But they soon lost contact when he moved to Mongolia and she headed back to Japan. To relieve herself of the pain of losing a friend, she picked up and old habit; songwriting. Hime (her mum) stumbled upon her lyric book one day and was astounded by the amount of talent her daughter possessed. With the young girl's consent, she contacted a long forgotten aquaintance. Yang Hyunsuk. The record label owner was just as dumbfounded at his findings. Not only could the girl songwrite, she could come us with the musical score and could also play the piano.and the violin. aLways the Opportunity grabber, he asked if she wanted to enlist herself in the company. Minbae agreed, with a few conditions: they would use her music, she wouldn't be forced to do something she was reluctant to do, and most importantly, she wouldn't be given special treatment on account of her mother's relations. She would be trained from the start, just like every one else. Although she remained composed and collected throughout the interview, in truth, she was absolutely psyched. She was going to be a trainee in the company that her role models are in. She was reluctant to join the idol world prior to this because she didn't want to become a slave to the contract and comply to whatever stupid concepts the company came up with. But she knew YG. And she trusted they would take good care of her. Yang Hyunsuk could tell that she would go far; (he was aware that she was an avid fangirl of his company's artistes ) she kept cool even though she was jumping like a happy 6yr-old on the inside. She had the makings of a celebrity even before she became one. 



father | Yoo TaeWu | 46 | businessman | a nice guy but he's never really there to care for his kids cos he's busy with work | -

mother | Emi Hime | 40 | professional opera singer | bright, cheerful, always makes time for her little (well, not so little anymore ) princess Minbae | very close to Minbae, wel known by the people living in the fab lane
 step mum | Elena Brown | 39 | retired model | strict, tries to force her dreams on her kids, kinda pressuring, but she's actually a caring person. | alexa chung hollaaa
Step-sister | Matilda Brown | 22 | world-class pianist | nice, the one reprieve of Minbae's life in England.  | the step-siblings are fairly close, keep in contact once in a while. She is well known by the people in her field.

Cousin | Yoo In Na | 32 | actress and radio Deejay under YGEnt | plain awesome | she's a celeb. Hence. Also close with her baby Cousin and checks in on her often.


best friend (hi feiii) | MiA (Son Yeonmi) | age(idk lol) | bandmate | *view characters bio* | -

Best friend | Lee Soohyun | 15 | labelmate | bubbly, Cute, hardworking | -

Best/close friend | Henry Lau | 25 | member of SuJu | funny, outgoing, cheerful and playful but hardworking as fk | 
Friend | Amber Liu (llama bae) | 22 | membee of f(x) | funny, crazy, fun to be with | -
Friend | Jeon Jeongguk | 16 | member of BTS | hardworking, meong~, cute | -
she's also friends with a few of em got7, bts, all the members of team b since they're within her age grp.


stage name: Jade (cos minbae means Polished Jade or something)

persona: the one that brings the group together

position: daseottttt

back-up position: daseot. As long as there's rapping and singing as a main act.

fanclub name: Emaralds

fanclub colour:. #ffffff (emarald green)

singing twin: Lee Hi, Jennie Kim, Lydia Paek

dancing twin: Chachi Gonzales (i like her Bang and Like A Boy but I'm best at imitating her I Should've Kissed You)

rapping twin: CL , Becky G, Iggy Azalea

talking twin: CL

trainee years

— YGEnt ( 4 years )

(Also sent to other companies for training during trainee years. Namely JYP, BigHit and SME)

trainee life: Minbae was a lazy pig during the early days as a trainee at YG. And YG was taking the conditions she set very seriously. Not that she didn't appreciate that, she just appreciated her sleep more. Getting spanked every morning when there was training was not uncommon. Especially during the dorm stay-overs when training got even more strenuous. It wasn't easy being a trainee at YG. Hell no. But it did have it's special reprieves. One of the major perks of being under YG was that it meant she has the freedom to do her own music. The company hardly controlled her music or style . After 2 years of training under YG, finally, she was given the chance to be a minor songwriter. Her talents were soon acknowledged by her soobaes (seniors ) in the company. She then began to write with Teddy, Jiyong and Lydia. (She started writing with Tablo a lil before that, so she's closer to him). Reuniting with the Lee siblings was the last thing she expected. She was too caught up in training and never really watched kpop star 2 until one day Yeonmi was fangirling about the sibling duo that may soon join their company. The girl's best friend forced her to watch one of their performance and she was just stunned. Was she beginning to imagine things? She could only wonder. Yeonmi ended up getting worried and asking if she was okay; she had turned pale and wasn't saying a word. That was a rarity; minbae not speaking. The only time she'd stay silent is when reading. Even then sometimes she'd start yelling at the author of the book. What had gotten into her? Then the tears came all at once. Yeonmi kept on asking what was wrong but minbae could only shake her head. She laughed, even as the tears streaned down her face. WHy was she crying? Did she really miss them that much? All in all, the reunion was a great one. Being reconciled with two of her best friends was definitely one of the highlights of her trainee life. Then there was Henry. When she started to go to SM for training with the Queen-S members, she always noticed that there was this guy that would sit alone at a corner of the cafe at the lobby. He always seemed so lonely. One day, she decided to talk to him. "Annyeong" she said as she took the seat infront of him. He continued to stare at nothing. She snaped her fingers infront of his face. He groaned and under his breath, he mumbled "get lost" in english. "Excuse moi?" She asked, surprised at how rude he was being. "I came here with the most innocent wish to simply talk to you and figure out why you've been a bloody loner for the past 3 weeks that I've seen you and this is what i get in return. Gee, thanks." With that, she got up to leave. Henry stared at her, shocked. She huffed and turned around, walking away. However, something made her turn. She made a 180° and found that He was banging his hhead on the table. She walked back and grabbed his head before it lost a few more braincells. He looked up at the small girl infront of him. "Look, i know that im in no position to say this since i dont even know you and you're probably much older than i am, but whatever it is that you're so frustrated about, get over it. Life ain't perfect. So what. That's what makes it interes- hold on a sec. do i know you?" The girl pauses her lecture to stare aat the man infront of her. She stares for a good 30secs, with furrowed eyebrows. "HENRY LAU!" she suddenly exclaimed. You were the dude in the music school i could only put up with for 1 month!" Henry stared at this strager incredulously. Then he recognises her too. "Ally? I thought you lived in England?" And that was how the two aquaintances met and became closer friends. Trainee life was also s t r e s s f u l. Minbae still went to school (although she was two grades above the kids her age and her school was one of those schools that allowed trainees time off classes when they had training. However two years later when training for the Queens began,  she began homeschooling instead. Shesin medical studies and hopes to advance to university in the future to major in pediatric studies.

pre-debut experiences:

— featured in GD's Black and R.O.D (co-wrote black with Jet of Queen-S)

— cowrote expired by Tablo

— back-up dancer for AkMu
- co-hosted a few radio shows with cousin and fellow labelmate Yoo In Na.
- recently co-hosted on Tablo's Dream Radio radio show.
- starred in Winner's music video.



love interest: Lee Chanhyuk

back-up love interest: Kim Hanbin, B.I

group: AkMu / Team B

birthday & age: 12th September 1996 , 18

personality: quite quiet and shy when they first met. She was surprised to see his outgoing character when performing. He's one of those guys that tends to hide his true feelings cos he doesn't want to jeopardize the relationship he has with a person. He's friendly, likes to have some quiet time (joins minbae during her reading sessions sometimes). He's actually a romantic boy ahahaha. Writes songs to express himself. 'Words are all i have and words are what i give to you'.

interactions: were close friends back at music school. He liked her since then. Lost contact until two years ago when he joined the Kpop Star competition and they met once again. Surprised them both at how they turned out to be working in the same company. Upon working with each other their feelings begin to develop but chanhyuk is too scared to voice them out and minbae is a dense, stubborn girl who's too scared to fall in love (after watching her family break down with her own two eyes, it made her believe that true love doesn't exist and it can only bring pain. The emotional distress from witnessing her parents' relationship crumble never left her since it deeply affected her young mind at the time).

how you meet/met: scenario: She bangs her head on the piano, the keys making a loud sound in retaliation. She groans loudly as the stress begins to give her a headache. She thought leaving England meant an end to this torture. She thought wrong. True, she was beginning to enjoy the lessons more. But the memories of the old drills just kept bringing back all those ugly times. She looks up when she hears a cough from her side. There stands a boy, rather geeky looking, with a guitar in his hand. He rubs his nose with his forefinger and pushes his geek specs higher onto the bridge of his nose. 'What a dork,' she thinks. Then he laughs, the sound twinkling unlike any other laugh she's heard before. She tilts her head to the side. "What's so funny?" She asks. He points at her cheeck and she reaches up, feeling the temporary indentations the piano keys had left on her face. She laughs along, picturing how her face looks like. He sits down on the bench next to the grand piano, his eyes never leaving hers. She stares at his intently. What was this boy up to? He sets his guitar on his lap and slowly begins picking and strumming the strings, creating a beautiful melody. I know this song, she thinks. The song was one that beared a personal meaning to her. Little did she know, it did to the boy in front of her as well. And he heard her singing it before.. Her fingers begin to itch. Within no time, they find their way to the hard black-and-white keys and begin playing a soft melody, harmonizing with the tune of the guitar. They smile at each other. And that was the beginning of their friendship.
"That was the day that I promised, I'd never sing of love if it does not exist, but darling you are the only exception" (paramore; only exception)
"She brought back the beat in my heart, the tune ringing in my ear. The soft hums that only i can hear. Her voice a melody so beautiful. i wish she knew the things i know." (Some random poetic sh*it i came up with)
The two didn't know it at the time but they were both each other's muses that brought back and amplified their love for music.
relationship: friends and rivals in songwriting. They have rap battles out of nowhere.




love rival: Kim Namjoon, Rap Monster

back-up love rival: Kim Jiwon, Bobby

group: BTS / Team B

birthday & age: 12th September 1994, 20

personality: conceited. Stuck up. Thinks highly of himself. Well, that's what minbae thinks. She never really saw eye-to-eye with this kid (which is one of the names she called him, 'that overgrown kid', also just 'aho' (idiot in Japanese ) and 'loser'. )first met him nearly 2 years ago when they announced that the Queens would be a collab group. SHe went over to JYP ent to talk to the main songwriter from Queen-J and bumped into Namjoon. Like literally bumped. Body collision. The doofus was wearing shades. In the building. It didn't take a genius to figure that he'd either hurt himself or someone else with his stupidity. Anywho, minbae was angry because her ice-blended frappes were all over the floor. She had just bought that for herself and Jet. She started cursing around in.rapid-fire French. Rapmon tried to shut her up by shoving a few bills in her hand but she threw them back at him. "I don't need your damn money, you punk. Just go apologize to the old man that just cleaned this floor till it was spotless 'cause you just gave him more work to do, as if he isn't tired enough," then she crouched down and started picking the cups back into the plastic bag and wiped off what she could with tissues. The cleaner was a bit shocked to find her with her knee on  the floor, wiping spilt coffee. He apologized profusely but she shook him off. "It's not you that needs to apologize," she sent a glance to Namjoon from the corner of her eye. He held in a laugh. Just how old did this kid think she was? Nevertheless, he bowed and apologized to the janitor, handing him some money as a tip. Minbae huffed at that. She grabbed the mop and shoved it into Namjoon' hands. "Do you really think money is enough to solve everything? Get over yourself." With that, she bowed to the janitor and wished him a good day while asking him to make sure that Namjoon helped him with the cleaning, and she walked through the security point and entered the lift to go to the training room.

interactions: rap battles damnnnn. But rapmon's flow was always on a whole other level. She just couldn't math the amout of emotion he put in. She was bloody great, but she just wasn't at his level. Yet. She beat him in everything else, ofcourse. Vocals, dancing. She killed it. But she was still pissed because the thing she was most passionate about was something she had yet to beat him at. Little did she know that he felt defeated by her since long ago. He was no match for her. He was no match for the affect she had on him. But she had no idea. (As i said, she's dense as hell). Basically Namjoon liked her from the start but he only realised recently. But minbae is so dense she doesn't get the hints he drops cos he's always doing it in a way she thinks he's just teasing and pestering her 

how you meet/met: (accidentally wrote this in the 'personality ' section lol)

relationship: frenemies kekeke. It's a love/hate thing. Rivals in songwriting and rapping



comments/suggestions?: hope you'll get a lot of readers for this fic, i just know it's going to be fabulous cos I'm gonna be in it lol duh. You know you can't deny my awesomeness /flips hair/ cos you're the one writing it ❤❤❤❤

questions?: when will the first official chapter be released? And is it ok if i go on a mini hiatus? 

scene requests:

—  can Chanhyuk and minbae do a cover of "two is better than one" or paramore's "still into you" or "haven't met you yet" 

—  show how Henry is a bloody loner but minbae helped fill that space (and maybe help him find a gf?)

— this has to do with the interview AkMu did. chanhyuk said he wanted to have a girlfriend (he glanced at minbar who followed them cos they were gonna have lunch as a trio) . And soohyun said that chanhyuk likes pretty girls. After the interview she linked arms with minbar and said, "eonni ah, you're really pretty today" kekekkeke.

— (just realised that Jet&Jade sounds like a good colab ahahahah)




(Sorry if I left anything out by accident, hope I get accepted ><)
password: SM: Super Junior, YG: BigBang, JYP: Got7



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For a first app this is really impressive! My first app was very messy and the character didnt make sense... This is good I like her :)
it's okay so far :) you're on the right track :)