Random questioooons c:


[Tagged by JustMe ♥♥♥]

1. If you met your idol, what would you do and what will you tell him/her?
   I will profess my undying love for him, and tell him how special he is to me and how much I love him. I'll tell him that I'm his biggest fan and I will support him whatever happens 

2. A girl band you like came to you and told you to join thier company, what will you say?
   YES without hesitation. I have this weird belief that idols only date idols or anyone on the same industry so I'll do what it takes for oppa to date me. and ofc I'll instantly sing in front of them to tell them that they did not make the wrong choice.

3. What's your favorite boy group? 
  인피니트! I now an INSPIRIT who is totally in love with their dancing machine, Lee Howon.

4. BaekYeol or BaekYeon or BaekYeol? 
   BaekYeol, because I'm a hardcore BaekYeol shipper.

5. Did you ever troll your friends before? How? 
   Nope ㅠㅠㅠ I a trolling and I am the prank material.

6. Are you a troll like JustMe? 
   Nope. In fact, I might even be a victim of her trolling ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

7. What would you like? Ice cream or period every week?
   ICE CREAM. I love ice cream, as long as it doesn't have nuts or any chewy stuff in it.

8. How did you know K-pop?
  College friends :>

9. If you go to Korea, what will be the first thing you will do?
  Look for a place to stay; or maybe look for Hoya 

10. Are you in roleplays? 
  Before, I was~ But I kinda got out of place and things became boring so yeah ㅠㅠㅠ






My questions, mehehehe.

1. If you were able to meet your bias in an unexpected circumstance, like blind dating or the very cliche running-down-the-street-then-accidentally-bumping-onto-your-bias-and-falls-down-on-him-and-there's-a-spark, what would you do?
2. If your bias were to marry you, but under the cicumstance that you have to stay at home and do the chores, will you comply? Why?
3. Do you love me?
4. Who is your ultimate bias?
5. What is your ultimate bias group?
6. If you were given the chance to sell a very rare KPop merchendise, what would you that item be?
7. If you were only allowed to join one fandom, what fandom would it be?
8. If I asked a KPop merchendise from you, what will you give me?
9. If Hoya or Sehun and I were to get married, will you attend our wedding? If yes, what gift will you give us? If no, WHY NOT?!?!?!?
10. Any messages for me? ㅋㅋㅋ



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