twinkle || Jung Nahyun






✮ Jung Nahyun } 





Username : smlover-

Activeness : 7

Nickname : Hailey






Name :Jung Nahyun

Other Name : Chloe Jung

Nicknames :{ If you don't have then skip }

Date of Birth  Age : September 22, 1993

Birthplace  Hometown : Gwangju, South Korea  [birth-10] Gwangju South Korea  [11-now] Seoul, South Korea

Blood Type : AB

Height ❄ Weight : 169cm & 48kg

Languages : Korean, English (fluent) Chinese (conversational) Japanese (basic)






Ulzzang : Park Girim

Links : here

Backup Ulzzang : Rani

Links : here






Relations :

 Relation || Name || Age || Occupation || Personality || How they act || Alive/Dead

 Relation || Name || Age || Occupation || Personality || How they act || Alive/Dead 

... { you can add more }

Background :






Personality :
Nahyun is a witty girl. She has a strong sense of humor or dry observation that is combined with quick thought. Growing up in a family of intellectual, she has the ability to see the flaws and ironies in people around her and translating them into comedic observation. Nahyun can sometimes let get ahead of her good sense, offering humor who is unwanted and causing hurt feelings toward others. Being born under a high educated family, Nahyun is clever. She has a higher intellegence than other members. She learns quickly from her mistakes and won't do it again. She has a strong imagination. Sometimes Nahyun can think of some ways to promote their group. While the other members followed what the choreographer or managers way, she is interested in 'the how and why' something is done and like to pursue their ideas on how to make things better. But, Nahyun had a hard time being told what to do and often insist on using her way. That makes the members and managers headache. She has a sense of calm self-confidence and authenticity who others are drawn towards instinctively. She is an excellent listener with the power to make anyone feel important and validated. Nahyun's magnetic personality radiates a powerful yet slightly mysterious influence, and she is often extreamly wise and thoughtful. This personality naturally attracts people from all walks of life. (* Her original and inventive ideas keep impressing everyone, including the managers and CEO of her company. Her progressive mind can think of the things that other can not think sbout it. When the company used her imagination on the album, it has great response. Sometimes the managers will tease Nahyun to stop being an idol and be the album mastermind behind SM.) 

Nevertheless, Nahyun is a rebellious and freedom loving girl. She don't like someone control her. She tend to go against the grain and attempt things that have never been done. As one of the composer in her group, the creative nature of rebellious manifests itself by establishing new genres of music. Nahyun rejects standards and morals they see as outdated and do not apply in the modern times. She is brave to try anything new so that she can know more things about the world. As an individualistic person, Nahyun is quiet and realistic, very rational and extreamely matter of fact. She enjoys challange and loves the odd things in life, but if something is wrong, she will take on the responsibility because she knows that it's her fault. Despite being rebellious, she is unemotional. Most of the time she not at all open to other people. Until now she just make friends with some of the members in the group. When some bright and happy member in the group tried to say something to ease th situation, her response pretty much nullified their effort. Nahyun is affectionless toward the inccident happened outside her group. She thinks that it's no use bother them, after all it's their business.

* This is the part where Twinkle has debut for quite some time.

Likes :






❄ { 6+ }

Dislikes :






❄ { 6+ }

Hobbies :




❄ { 4+ }

Habits :





❄ { 5+ }


❄ { also state why }

❄ { 2+ }

Trivia :

❄ { as many as you want... }






Friends : { Optional }

 Name || Age || Occupation || Personality || How they act || Alive/Dead || Closeness

 Name || Age || Occupation || Personality || How they act || Alive/Dead || Closeness

... { you can add more }


Love interest : Luhan 

Backup Love Interest : Yoon Doojoon (Beast)

Date of Birth ❄ Age : April 20, 1990 ❄ 24

Group : EXO

Personality :
Since Luhan debuted in a foreign country, he learns to be independent. He knows that being in the foreign music industry is difficult so he tried his best to not rely on other people. He thinks that he could do things better and more efficient that others. As a result, Luhan is able to focus on his goal, becoming the greatest singer, and he did it, he is currently in the most famous group EXO of the K-pop industry. But because he is often alone practicing, he didn't have many friends and difficult working with others he don't know. Hence he only getting close with the person he knows for years. Luhan is hardworking and serious when he did his job. He thinks that someone must made an effort in doing the things they like. So Luhan always went to practice on time and make sure that he had improved his skills. When his skills degenerate, he will stay up late at night making sure that his skills had gone back to where is was. Luhan also had mood swings. When he has good mood, he will talk to people more and care about them. But when his mood of the day is bad, he is a cold prince and don't bother what anyone said or done, he just did everything himself. Luhan is a perfectionist, everything that is done by him must be perfect. He will ensure that it is perfect and without any flaws then he shows to other people. If not, he'll change everything needed that destory it's perfection.

Luhan is very protective of himself. He doesn't like those girls who clinged him like crazy. He thinks that it's annoying so he didn't have a girlfriend in his life. When he opened his heart for someone, he can be the cutest guy you can find. He will make sure that the person he cares are happy and feel safe when they are with him. He loves to challenge someone for the better, especially Nahyun. He thinks that by giving them pressure and competition, that person will make more effort than usual and acheive their goal. Since Luhan is Yesul's tutor, he always challange her to dance different types. Although it mean for Luhan to suffer for a while.

How you met :

How you act around each other :


Love rival : {optional, someone who loves your character or someone your character loves before falling for the main lead, or basically anyone who creates confusion in the character's love life. :) }

Backup love rival :

Date of Birth ❄ Age : { Month in letters Day, Year ❄ Age }

Group :

Personality :

How you met :

How you act around each other & why is he a love rival? :






How did you get in the agency? :

How were your trainee days :

Number of years of training :  4 years

Persona :

Stage Name : Nahyun

Position :

Backup Position :

Fanclub Name :

Fanclub Color : { include the hex code }

Singing Twin : name ❄ back-up

Dancing Twin name ❄ back-up

Rapping Twin : name ❄ back-up






Comments :

Suggestions :

Scene Requests :



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