Keeper version 3.9: A coder's post

Blue Winter is the first chapter layout I created and I uploaded it the same day Layout Marketplace (LM) was introduced. "Because I am impatient and I can't wait to test a layout in one of my chapters. Bow." (from Blue Winter's description box)

And today, I discovered that my impatience resulted to one of my works ranking first in the popular list, for the first time in forever. 

I had no idea until today that LM is organized into categories: Newest / Popular / Lowest Price / Highest Price

Topping the Popular list is Blue Winter, a free chapter layout that has 358 buyers. In fifth place is my Sakura layout, the only one that has a price in the top five layouts, with 192 buyers. Wedding Dress is ranked 9th, with 166 buyers and tied with cory_ss free layout for description and characters. At 12th place is Sakura [Description] layout with 139 buyers. The Rose layout which features aleric's White Rose pattern is at 16th place, with 128 buyers. Next to it with 127 buyers is Princess Diaries ranked at 17th. 

Six of 25 layouts available for purchase (because the other five are gifts and for personal use only) are in the top 20. Thank you guys so much for giving my layouts a chance! I... I am just... I am still amazed that the layouts I created in December 2013 (aside from Rose) would receive this much attention. 

Anyone who has read my blogs know that I have this strange disorder - a penchant for trying out AFF's features. I didn't expect anything of it, I just wanted to test the feature and see for myself how it works.

Layout Marketplace provides layouts that can be easily applied to your description, foreword and chapter without going to Source and without requiring HTML knowledge. Layouts uploaded in LM are usually safe from site layout changes. But when fixes need to be made, the customer doesn't have to do any editing. The designer will tweak the layout and all the changes made will be automatically applied.

All you have to do is wrap the text with tags and press some buttons. Here is a guide I created. (Note that the screen shots were taken from AFF version 2.0. Only the appearance changed in version 3.0 but okay, I'll update it with version 3.0 captures.)

I discovered the fun and challenge in coding and I wanted to know more. So I practiced what I learned and created more layouts. It's basically learning a new language; writing sentences until you create a story. 

My layouts adjust automatically to your screen. And with my limited experience and knowledge, I tried to make it simple and easy in the eyes, so that it won't distract your readers from the actual story. Because you won't be able to customize it, I made sure that each is a finished product. I charge three to five karma points for all that, and because I can't expect you to tell me what you think of them. 

If it's free, users will just download it. But if it costs something, the users will have to think twice and only those who could see its value or relevance, will buy it. And that's how I measure a layout's likeability. But I try to create as many types of layouts for all types of writers and stories. 

But for those who did comment and even subscribed to my layout thread, Keeping It Simple, thank you. Just saying that my layouts look pretty is encouraging. Because it is merely a thread for my layout previews - the actual layouts are in LM -  I didn't expect people to subscribe let alone upvote it. Haha. It's strange that my layout thread has more upvotes than my stories. Does this mean I have to switch careers in AFF?

For those who are happy for me, hugs. Thank you!

I haven't forgotten my friends who tested my layouts in their laptops, tablets and phones when I revamped KIS.

For those who are annoyed with this post because I didn't have to stress that my layouts are in the popular list and being popular is nothing anyway and that I charge three to five karma points for my simple layouts when better designers give it for free in their shops, and to that person, it's not my problem now is it? 

Popularity is not an achievement. It is not an objective. It is not something I aimed. It is a bonus. I am already happy once I finished a layout. Perhaps you can sense that in the way I describe my layouts in LM or in the names I give my layouts. The process of making one is both challenging and fun. So knowing that so many liked it enough to purchase it, is an extra perk, which honestly makes me happy too.

My patience - or what was left of it - was sorely tested last night. I just finished tweaking Unwind to make it compatible with both AFF versions 2.0 and 3.0 - which means I had to switch back and forth using the text editor for blogs because the real-time online html editor is not compatible with version 3.0. So I decided to inform everyone about the changes and my decision to switch to version 3.0. As I was typing it, an instant notification appears on my right informing me that someone copied one of my layouts. Breathe. 

A troll copied my Dotted and Stacked layout and sold it for five karma points. I thanked the user who dropped me a wallpost and blocked the troll. I informed a moderator after that. Then, Boss Nichiren sends me a message: "Hey, Keeper, what is LM?" So, I was like, "Praise God!" with an anime sweat drop because Boss. Well. But I didn't know how to tell him because his message was about the edit button in LM. Anyway, Boss Nichiren cleared the code. And he fixed some issues too. Do you see the "updated" label in your subscriptions? Hmmm? (Really, enough with the complaints. Be patient.) Let's say our thanks to our hard-working Boss Nichi! Thank you!

I admit that I was really annoyed that it has to happen again with my layouts. Before it was the gifts, and now, someone actually copied it. I feel crazy to have felt so many emotions in such a short span of time. If you read my previous posts, you are aware how I was ecstatic about the green, the rec, the kp and how pissed I was at the troll. And now, I'm back to normal.

(Not good. Where is my joy? That deep kind of happiness that is not affected by my circumstances! >_<)


But as I write this, I am reminded that I am truly blessed. I will always strive to be the best version of Keeper. 


Technical issues? Contact AFFHelper. Read AFFHelper FAQ and follow the report format before writing a wallpost. Be polite.
Another user plagiarized your story or violated our Terms of Use? Report it to the moderators via the report content button/link in the blog or story foreword.
Want to get banned? Don't read the Terms of Use.


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Congrats!! I am happy for you.
That troll. hmm Good thing, it was dealt with accordingly.
Hard working Boss *nod nod nod* Thanks, Nichi.
That's super cool that your layouts are a hit, but it that people are copying your stuff. They should be ashamed of themselves for trying to pass your work along as theirs and then try to make karma profit off it. But it's a good thing that it's been taken care of. One day people will learn.