Giveaway by jongstalxxi

So, one of my friend, jongstalxxi has reached 1300+ subscibers and holding a giveaway! join the giveaway by clicking on the picture:

She's one of the designers that i look up too (and i'm really glad that she works on my shop). she's improving soo much (when i'm not sobs) and her style is so good, especially for the dark one.
anddd, i've been thinking of making a graphic contest (again) and i need the kps for the prizes lmao actually, it's okay with the amount i have now, but i hope i can give more to the winners. i still haven't decided about the prizes yet. and yes a graphic layout- i've been craving for it! lol i hope i can have that for my graphic contest xD hahaha


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jiosne #1
Thank You OuO And you're improving wayyyy more lol