Tagged by ForeverLovelly *read this plz cuz i cant come to your wall one by one T^T*

Rules ~

Rule 1 : Post the rules !

Rule 2 : Answer the questions that tagged asked you, then make 10 new ones !

Rule 3 : Tag 5 people and link them to this post !

Rule 4 : Let them know you've tagged them !  


1. If you could fly , where would you go ?

- I'll fly to your heart ;DD

2. Who am I to you ? 

- You're the best,sweetest noona on earth *3*

3. Quick ! The floor is melting , what do you do ?

- I'll just summon angrybird demon to save me up

4. What is your favorite kpop group ?

- DB5K,Superjunior and more..

5. A date with your bias , who is she/he ?

- KIM JAEJOONG!!! *jaejoong on my bed,nothing would be better*xDDD

6. Do you like me ?

- Yes i do noona,what if we go out sometime? ;DD

7. Who is the cutest dork ever on AFF ?

- Iya_007 aka Odah Saodah

- G_Stalker14 aka Icih Gibrigz *but icih isnt here anymore T^T*

8. Do you like ice cream ?

- Nah, hawt guy like me don't like sweets stuff *secretly eat popsickle*

9.  What are you looking forward to ?

- Happiness in life

- True love *wide grins*

- Success in becoming what i dreamed for ;)

10. Do you miss someone

- yes kinda.. *Yesungie-ah when will you comeback home? T^T* xDDD


My Questions

1.Do you know the difference between mother's tears and girlfriend's tears?

2. 8=3    5=6    4=7    2=?

3. What are the two animals that live in a polar region?

4. How will you share 10 oranges equally amongs 6 boys?

5. What is the best thing to do when you have a hole in a boat and water is leaking inside?

6. What is the strangest thing you have in your room?

7. If you were sat on a plane nextto your idol,what would you do?

8. When was the last time you wrote letter on paper for someone?

9. How fast can you guess these words?


- _ _NDOM

- P_N_S

10. Which would  you rather be a witness to,the creation/beggining of the universe or if it ever happens,the destruction/end of the universe?


Tagged ones

- Iya_007

- G_Stalker14

- Rukhsa





*i'm a rule breaker -shrug-*




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orz that Jaejoong gif tho... /must-take-eyes-away/
same pinch for no. 5 XDXDXDXD,hell yeah I want jae on ma bed too!!
Neeeeeng......seriously...the questions looks so full of jebakan Batman euy >:D

I will do it :3

PS: Me....a cute dork....but i'm not cute....i'm just centil halaaah :p

PSS: Don't get fooled by Icih....u know u are much saver with me ;)
am too lazy to make more questions ;~; haha but here are the answers ^^

1.Do you know the difference between mother's tears and girlfriend's tears? of course, your mother's tears are full of more love <3
2. 8=3 5=6 4=7 2=? i was going to figure this out myelf but
[3/08/2014 5:05:35 pm] Bum-chan: 2. 8=3 5=6 4=7 2=?
[3/08/2014 5:05:39 pm] Bum-chan: 2=9
[3/08/2014 5:05:42 pm] èłłįę: why
[3/08/2014 5:05:47 pm] Bum-chan: because they add to 11
3. What are the two animals that live in a polar region? penguins and seals?? <3
4. How will you share 10 oranges equally amongs 6 boys? why would i share the oranges? i'd eat them all for myself
5. What is the best thing to do when you have a hole in a boat and water is leaking inside? cover it up with your booty ;)
6. What is the strangest thing you have in your room? baekhyun posters...
7. If you were sat on a plane nextto your idol,what would you do? be very shy at first and then cry and hug them because i'm scared of planes :c
8. When was the last time you wrote letter on paper for someone? i wrote a note for my mum to do shopping lol ;;
9. How fast can you guess these words?
- BOO_S S!!!!!!!!!
- _ _NDOM RANDOM!!!!!!!
- P_N_S that's a bad word >:C
10. Which would you rather be a witness to,the creation/beggining of the universe or if it ever happens,the destruction/end of the universe? i think it would be really cool to witness the destruction of the universe but that's also the destruction of me so maybe creation haha

that was fun! <3
I'm here Neng .....
I frozen the Hell to come back to ur arms again...
Halahhhh....manipulasi pikiran dan mencoba menggoda lgi.....

Biasa...bang hansip bawa permen dan pentungan bwt iming2 XD
Ok ur questions are actually interesting..

1: mum cries for ur well being n shizz
Girlfriend cries for the love and shizz
That's how I see it *shrugs

2: 2=1? Since all the numbers are there from 8 to 2 ... I dunno

3: polar bear and penguins.-.0??

4: already answered it bellow hahaha

5: find something to block it up... Or just get a bucket and keep pouring out the water of the boat??-.0

6: the strangest things in my room? Me xP

7: I'd freakin DIE!!!!!!!! Or I will ask after so long "uhm... Can I have ur auto graph please? And a picture with u??' Nah is just diiiieeeee... N probs just ask for a picture since I can take many -smirk- without them knowing

8: a month or so ago

9=_= srsly?

10: creation
Lola the oranges question is easy I five them one each and keep four for myself XD
I'm too lazy to do this
Haha Raii ;) thank you baby :D !!