HOT >///

who do you guys think is the hottest in this pic?

comment your answer!
RYO for me!!

and oh yeah, speaking of hot and Ryo, he ranked 15 in the iest men of Johnny’s Entertainment
Matsumoto Jun was the first, as always.
well, he will go higher, there are more years to come :)


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Ryosukeluvs #1
poor Inoo...
Yuto's ribs seems to be showing
kaze27 #2
Ryo for me!!
He he
I can see he's got a six pack!! XD
i got it,
he stayed in japan for his studies :( he didnt go to Las Vegas D: <---
yeah, IDK, maybe hes the one taking the photo? or hes beside Yabu and the pic was cut?
coz i found two pictures, one without inoo and yuya, since yuya is at the side..., maybe inoo was at the side too, ill try to find a pic with him in it :)
where is inoo??? :333
where is inoo??? :333
i know that... his muscles are just way muscular? haha
yeah, i can see his muscles alot too ;)
but i just love Ryo :)
Keito's english is good even with a ?-ish accent :)
keito_kun.... ehh... as i know, keito is the hottest, i meant, all my friends that love jump said, he is the bestie and hottest in jump. hahah... he has such a beautiful body actually. and, a nice personalities.. ^^