What WORLD has against me?

First, sorry if it's suppose to be 'What world have against me'. I'm at grammar..

So.. what world has against me??? Why?? Timkai? Wae? Kenapa?

This week is one of the most stressful week I have in my life.. I suppose to receive a phone call from a company that I went for an interview last week... But until today, they haven't contact me yet.. I know, my chances to get the job is not big but at least call and tell me I didn't get the job. I've been waiting for my phone to ring every time I looked at it. I hate waiting like this...

And also, there are several fics that I subscribed and they didn't update.. T^T.. and there's several fics that I apply but until now they haven't announced who they will pick.. Every day, every hour, I opened their fics and check the status.. Aigoo... I know..They also have a life besides AFF... I'm the only one who pratically living here.. I sleep, I eat, I watched tv while I'm in AFF.. But.. I hate waiting! I hate the feeling of uncertainty...

Sorry, this is just a rant.. I don't where I should tell my problems.. AFF is the only place that I can be myself and not pretend that I'm someone else....  GOD... Please help me.... and save my soul....


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omo, dont worry my friend, everything going to be ok, <br />
hmmm, i think they wont call though =\ sorry to say that but my sister the same thing happened with her,<br />
dont worry its not the end of the world though, some times u just leave it to god. he is sure have something for u more than u want, something better.<br />
tell me what will happen ok? just read some new fics, fun never ends ^^<br />
if u didnt read the new ones, u will Deprived us writers of one of the greatest readers ^^
Accidentally_in_love #2
Ieffaaaaaaa <3333333<br />
LOL sorry, hyper moment XD<br />
Hey, sometimes, life annoys people ~ it's going all good and then something happens which leads to something else and blah blah blah, and everything is mucked up (I know this because I have experienced this very much lately DD':).<br />
Anyways, remember patience is important :) :)<br />
So is slapping people in the face who don't frickin ring XD (boys included)<br />
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I think what you need is just some relax time, going out and having fun or doing something that keeps your mind off things. Last night I was talking to one of my friends and they said I could be an agony aunt since I somehow seem to cheer people up (and like loads of people come to me when they are depressed). He was all like I wold give everyone an MBLAQ cd as my prescription ~ "Here's your Mir poster and MBLAQ cd. NEXT!" (yeh thats what he actually said)<br />
LOL so I recommend (not necessarily MBLAQ XD) some of ur favouritre music, and dancing around like an idiot... LOOOOLL I do that too much to cheer myself up XD XD<br />
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GOOD LUCK, iefaa ^_^ xxxxx
Take it easy, Iefa-unni.. The world has noting against you at all.. Sometimes it is just like this.. I am so sorry for being able to help you so much about your fan fic.. maybe I will get time to it in this weekend. I kind of understand when you talk about no one update their story much more.. I am the same... I think my readers have gave up on me since i am soooo slow updated...<br />
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Don't Give up yet. The world will shin on you. That are I sure about^^<br />
Figthing, Unni<3
patience is also a virtue, i agree with u about the company thing but sometimes they dont calp if the person didn't get the job and sometimes they're late.. it depends -.-<br />
I just came here to tell u to not stress over it, u need to be patient even if it seems difficult right now >_<<br />
Ps i'll talk to u on week-end cause im busy during the week and i hav tons of messages to answer lol so tc *hugs*