An Opinion On Attention Seekers On Social Media

Is it just me or is the use of SNS or social media in order to display your OWN problems a bit much at times? Well don't get me wrong, asking for help or advice is one thing. Saying that you have problems and then telling others that they can't help you, is frankly another. If you want to sort out a life problem or depression or soemthing like that, it's kind of a sign that you need to take action to fix your own problems or seek the advice or help of others. Here's an example of what I'm talking about:


"*sighs* I'm gonna go cut myself. I can't find this so instead, I'm using know to cut myself. BTW, don't even bother to try to help me. I'm doing this anyways but I just wanted to let you all know about me. You know....that I'm hurting myself. *posts on Facebook*"


Posting that to followers on social media is kind of the equivalent of:


"OMG. This woman across the neighborhood from me is getting r*ped. I just wanted to let you all know that you know, instead of actually doing something. *posts on Twitter*"


Same logic pretty much. But different wording.


Seriously, what is the point of posting that kind of stuff on there if you then say things like, "Oh, you can't help me anyways." You are obviously sending that post out to your followers who would then read it. If you don't want them to be concerned or for them to help you, why even post about it in the first place? You completely contradict what you wish to do by posting it for everybody to see. It makes you look more like an attention seeker rather than a person who actually needs help at that rate.


Also, this is not exactly directed to anybody out there in particular. I just saw various examples of this on Tumblr and other social media sites and offered my opinion on it.


Okay bye bye.


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I can see how that's sort of strange and somewhat frustrating. I mean if someone said, "I started cutting myself" then AT LEAST others can try to help to seek out a solution. But "BTW, don't even bother to try to help me." is a little bit...... childish.
You never really know what's happening to that person, and sometimes people just need to let their steam go and just talk about their feelings. Just even thinking about them as attention seekers, is really just plain rude. One of my female friends got seriously bullied because she made a mistake that was only supposed to be known by one person, but it somehow got out. I would call her a lot and she seemed cheerful every time we met, and so did everyone else thought too; but she was going through a lot of pain because of the incident and she actually took her own life about two months after (R.I.P Merisa <3 ). We didnt go to the same school, so I would have never known is she was hurting, unless she told me. Which she didnt. If she told someone, things would probably be different. And sometimes problems can't be helped. If they can't to deal with it on their own, then that their business if you like it or not. I've learned to accept that, and so should you. So if you don't like these so called "attention seeker" lookers, then just don't talk to them.
I don't believe everything someone says on the internet because, well, you just don't know if they're doing it to gain attention or if they really are depressed it's hard telling sometimes. I've also read things about people talking about how bad their life is, but then they talk about how much fun they had at a concert or something right after O_O So odd it can be.