STOP EXPECTING YOUR BIAS TO BE PERFECT, instead imagine them perfect

To be quite honest, its bothering me that Baekhyun is in relationship with Taeyeon (Although I don't know if its real or for the marketing purpose). I really hate it when my bias is in relationship, but I hate it more if I found out that my bias infront and behind of the camera is not the same person. Butr now, I tried to see what I want to see and believe what I want to believe.

I like my bias honestly because of their face/voice/character. So to avoid getting hurt I don't try to look in their private life, I tried to close one of my eyes and that's probably whats helping me in my story, I can never write story imagining other people than my very one ultimate bias. And when I'm hurted, it'd be obvious in my writing.

BUT, in all honesty

I'M STRONGLY against idols announcing their relationship. I know its unfair but that's what they signed for. To avoid their partner and themselves being hurted, to avoid their fans being hurted thats the only way. THEY KNOW EXACTLY HOW FANS IS, we are crazy, we imagined ourselves with them and with that being taken away that would hurt everyone. Theyre making money, and we are doing this for pleasure. We're even. So why bother, keep faking yourself, YOU ARE AWARE OF THIS WHEN YOU SIGNED THE CONTRACT. I know I sounds like an but thats how I felt. deep inside. 

But I survived by believing what I want to believe. The perfect person that I could keep all to myself.

on the side note,

I hate sasaeng fans thats seeking for the truth. Not the truth but their idols private life. 


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lol for you to say that you hate it when you find out your bias is not the same person in front and behind the camera seems naive (no offense). of course they aren't the same because those are fabricated personalities created by the company to appeal to fans. its their own personal concept.