It Makes Me Happy Every Time

To: Lovelies

I have really great penpals.

As some of you may know I have been learning Korean for about two years now, and I have many penpals in Korea. We write letters, send packages, email, and chat. Every single day I have a message, or a note from my bestfriend, Yeongyeongie, and it makes my day. 

I am a gloomy, half empty person, but when I go and find a bright pink envelope from Sodamie, or a brown parcel from Yeongie my face automatically breaks into a smile. 

I think if I had the money I would send packages every single day, but I don't. I have to wait and make the 50-60$ it takes to send a really full, awesome package. On the bright side, I have lots of ways to make money. Too bad everything is so expensive here>< 

I probably own and use more Korean made products than any other countries, and I really hope my friends like the things I send them too. I love sending sweets, postcards, maps, and random things I see at stores (soap, bracelets, stickers, stuffed animals, ext...). 

Does anyone else love snail mail?



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Sometimes AFF makes my day since when I talk to some people on AFF they make me laugh and stuff and it also makes my day.