Sniper Records Trainee Audition Form


Stage Name here

username • nickname • activity rate


1. You don't have to use your personal details

2. Replace the pictures with your face claim. Width 270 height 160 (ulzzangs preferred)

3. Comment your form link in the comments

4. Delete anything in brackets.

5. When you're done delete this notes section.



Full name » (Last name, First Name)

Stage Name » 

nickname(s) » 

Position wanted» (Main/Lead/Sub? Vocals/Rap?)

Age » 

Blood Type » 

birthday  » (Day, Month, Year)

Country » 

Height » 

Weight » 

hometown » 

ethnicity » 

languages » (Languages you can sing/rap in)

Specialities  » (Any Instruments? Acting?)

Fanclub  » (What will you name your fans?)

fan colour» 

Personality traits » (Three words to describe yourself)

motto » 



face claim » (Name linked to a gallery)

backup face claim » (Name linked to a gallery)


Audition links » 

Comments» (Anything you want to say?)




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