[fíc] trαppєd


Author: Pandoralacey
Story Title: Trapped
Friendship, Horror, Mystery, Romance
Characters: Hyuna, Eunjung, Kai
Status: Completed
Rated: Some Chapters

Only that day (2013, September) did I learn the pungent smell of blood, diversities of human flesh, and the morbid of death; it was the turning point in my life, also the beginning of everything-- the bus we rode skidded into a ravine. When I was on the verge of surrendering to the tragic fate, she reached for my hand and told me: "We'll survive this together.

Forty-four people were killed in the country's deadliest road accident; there were only six survivors and I was one of them.


              Greetings earthlings. :) Thank you for your attention. You're very much invited to visit and read. I hope you'll be able to enjoy the story as much as me. 


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