Will you?

Listen to me please; I wake up every day hoping that someday things would change but knowing that I would be the one to change my life. I go through the motions like it was nothing but hoping someone would see me the real me. Not someone that they think they see.
I don’t know who I can confine in.
I don’t know what is keeping me from being kind.
I don’t know when I can trust someone.
I don’t know where I can find myself.
I don’t know why I feel the need to hide.
I don’t know how I can truly save myself.
I don’t know how I can let the real me come out.
Is it because I am afraid or is it because I am just weak?
I shut out all of my emotions. So that I can function “properly” and live a normal life but, what is normal there is no such thing as normal is there? Doing so is not enough anymore I want to break out, I want to make someone listen, I want to try to make someone understand what I am feeling. But I am afraid, why am I so afraid?
Why can’t I trust people anymore?
Is it because once I trust someone, they always end up letting me down.
Why can’t I make someone listen?
Are you hearing me?
Why don’t you listen to me?
Why can’t I make you understand?
The pain I am feeling every day, the suffering that I am in. I just don’t want to always be sad. I want someone to save me from this misery I call my life.
Are you there?
Are you listening?
Do you understand now? How I feel?
How I can I possibly save myself?
I tell myself it would get better but, lately it just gotten worse.
I wondering will I see the light again? Will you help me?
I am asking you to help me, please help me please. Before it’s all too late.

>> I'm just tired with my life. I want to scream. I want to escape. I want to runaway.


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you shouldn't think like that.
When someone has made you down, do u ask them why?
When you think u want something to change, what is it? What do u want to change?
When people dont listen to u, ask urself first why is that happening?

I'm sure there're the answers.
This is just a phase :)) im sure you'll go thru it