8 Years.......

I wasnt the first Cassie out there to support you but I promise, I will be ones of the last.

Today marks the 8 years of hardwork of The Rising Gods of the East.

8 years... alot has changed.

But one thing didnt, the love that the biggest fanclub gives you!

800,00 and more minds, souls, and hearts are waiting for you to comeback.

Back to normal just like the first day you debuted.

When someone say DBSK, I automatically thing of the word "Gods"

Great Vocals....

Great Dancers....

Great Visual....

What more can you ask for?

5 members turn to 2.

That cant be.

Im not blaming anyone for this but I cant help but be sad with this fact.

For me DBSK, 5members!


Unless they win that law suit with SM, DBSK = 5 MEMBERS!!!


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DemonAngel_1165 #1
they're not 1 group but they are 1 family :)
when i heard it was their anniversary i started thinking "it cant be a group anniversary since there's only two of them left"