♕ THE PRINCESS BRIDES ♕ || The Blue Kingdom/Mare Maris Kingdom || Jung Min ah

Jung Min ah / Melody jung

eyesmile_angel • I don't have a nickname so just call me blue • activity rate 8.5-9


the basics.

name » Jung Min ah or Melody Jung

nickname(s) »

» Minnie- Her parents and siblings call her this. It's the first part of her first name and they added 'ie(eeh)' to make it sound cuter.

» Lody-Her relatives and friends over seas call her this. It's the last part of her English name.

birthday & age » February 14, 1996. 18 years old

kingdom » The blue kingdom, also known as Mare Maris Kingdom. Mare Maris is the latin word for sea, so if you translate it, it becomes, the sea kingdom.

ethnicity »  Korean

language » (up to 4)

» Korean-native. She was born in South Korea

»English-Fluent. When she was younger, she would often go over seas since her parents couldn't take care of her since they were busy and she would go to her relatives in America.


face claim » Baek Sumin/Yuko other gallery

backup face claim » Eun


appearance » She usually keeps her hair down, in a pony-tail or a half up-do. She has ombre hair. Her eyes are a lighter brown color. Usually korean people have dark brown eyes but hers are a little lighter than the usual. That's probably because her grandma on her mom side is from Spain. She is 170 cm and 50 kg. She wears make up but it's light and has a natural look to it. Just light eye shadow, pink lip gloss, eyeliner and mascara.

style » Her style is more of a girly-casual look. People usually think that princesses wear dresses and ball gowns, but, she proves them wrong. She still wears dresses, but usually just casual ones unless its a fromal event. She likes wearing blue's and teal's but wears other colors..sometimes.

» daily » 1(but with shorts) 2 3 4 5
» nightly » 1 2 3 4 5 eye masks,this, this and this
» formal » 1 2 3 4 5

"Smile? Why should I smile when there's nothing to smile about?"

"  "

"You never truly know a person until you reveal their true self that hides behind their 'personality' that is influenced by society"

(A/N that's actually my quote on my personal message on my profile^^)


this is who i am.

plotline » The blue princess

Personality traits »

positive: down-to-Earth, loyal, smart, independant, quiet


negative: hard to get close to, never really smiles, mean, rude, cold, distant

personality »


She is very loyal and doesn't have the heart to betray people, especially those who did nothing wrong. Like I said, she has a personal garden. Since she is very down to Earth, she told her parents that she wanted her own garden, they hired someoneto make it for her according to how she wants it to be. She also has a gardener who takes care of the garden when she's away. Being alone and cold to people made her independant. She is also pretty smart for her age. She likes to keep quiet and doesn't like talking alot.


negative: Melody is hard to get close to. She never tried to make any friends. When people try to get close to her she just ignores them or says mean things to them and be rude to them until they back off and quit trying. She practicall built a wall around her making herself distant to everyone except for her CLOSE family and relatives like her parents(sometimes), and older siblings. She never really smiles, but when she does, it's breathe taking and who ever made her smile or (if a miracle happened) make her laugh, you feel accomplished.
trivias »






-the color blue




-animal onesies XD








-her parents leaving




-zoning out

-playing with her hands

-tapping her fingers and feet

-biting her lip when she panics









-ambidextrous(can write with both her right and left hands)

-prefers being alone rather than being in big groups

-she is happy that she doesn't have that many friends since she thinks that they will either be annoying, ask her for money, or, be a burden



-people finding out about her fun, bright and bubbly side

-people hearing her sing

-cats and dogs. she is scared that they will bite her


home is where your heart is.

background » Min ah is the youngest in her family. She grew up admiring her parents and older siblings. She admired her parents for being funny and joking around with commoners and peasants. Admired her siblings because they were great and had amazing talents. When she was five, her parents hired an English speaker to teach her and her siblings how to speak English and said that they will need it in the near future. Being innocent and naive, she didn't bother asking for a reason or an explanation when they said that she will go to a foreign land soon. She thought that they were just going to another kingdom. She was wrong though, she was sent to America where her close relatives live.


Her parents were always so busy to take care of their children. So they sent them to live at the king's siblings who live in America to start a new life after they found out that they weren't heir to the throne. They were taught how to speak English and were sent to America. They could've just hired a nanny or babysitter, but they thought that their kids were going to give the person a bad time being very spoiled and demanding, well, they were only little kids. They also thought that someone they know personally for a very long time would do a better job at taking care of them than someones they hired off the streets (cliche). The children also needed to learn new things and they already know their reatives from America. The relatives could've just lived in Mare Maris, but, they wouldn't since they are reminded that they weren't the heirs to it.


She went back and forth with Korea and America. She barely got to see her parents and siblings. She didn't get the love she was hoping for, her realtives were nice and treated he just like the princess she is, but it was not enough for her.Lacking love from her parents, she turned cold and built a wall around herself. That's the reason why she is so cold and distant from everyone, she lacked love from her parents growing up.


family »

» king » dad » Jung Minwoo » closeness 5.5

Jung Minwoo is Jung Min ah's dad. They aren't that close, but they still love each other because no matter what, they are still father and daughter. Growing up, he gave a lot of attention to Min ah and wanted to be the best father he can for Min ah. He showered his dearest daughter with gifts and toys. He gave Min ah a teddy bear and she hugs it to sleep. With out the bear, Minnie can't fall a sleep. 

» queen » Jung Minzy » closeness 4

Jung Minzy is Jung Min ah's mom. She is some-what distant from her mom. Minzy paid more attention to the kingdom or to her older brother Jung Minho. She gave Min ah this tiara when she was younger, it was the crown she wore until she got older and the crown got too small. Minnie still keeps the tiara on a shelf in her room next to a family picture.

» prince » Jung Minho» 10

Jung Minho is Min ah's older brother. He is the closest to her. He was always by her side growing up. He even went to America with her and was there with her when times get tough and when she feels home sick. He gave Minnie a necklace which she wears EVERY single day. He is the only one that gets to see her fun, cute and bubbly side. He is the only one that gets to hear her sing. He is the only one that's close to her.

» princess » Jung Minseo » closeness 5.5

Jung Minseo is Jung Min ah's older sister. She is closer to her than her mom, but not as close to her as their brother. She is the oldest out of the three siblings but yet the most childish. She gave Min ah a ring. It says siter on the inside and has an infinity sign on the front and it meant sisters forever. They each got one and was always united even though they are in different places. Also went to America with her siblings


With the gifts that they gave her (it was at her going away party), she had something to remember evryone by.


friends »

» gardener » Park Kangjun »  closeness7

Since he is the gardener, Min ah is close to him since they both love flowers and nature. He is the second closest to her and gets to see her act childish and smile. Sungjong's real dad. Adopted and took Zelo as his own when he found him laying in the garden as a baby crying.
» chef » Seo Minhwa » closeness 6
She is the one who taught her how to cook. They got pretty close because they spend so much time with each other. When one found out about a recipe, they teach each other, when it's someone's birthday, they cook together. She gets to see Minnie smile, but rarely.



the one and only.

prince love interest » Sungjong (from infinite)

backup prince love interest » Rome (from C-Clown), Mark (from got7), Yongguk (from BAP)


personality » Sungjong likes to act manly but fails. He is just too pretty! He is the type of boy who does his best to succeed and if he wants something, he doesn't give up on it...you know, unless it's already taken or if he lost intersest in it. This prince may act all bossy, but he has a big heart. He always helps out and if someone is in danger, who do you call? ghost busters! Sungjong! He will help when you when you ask him...politley.

interaction » They always see each other since their room is right accross each other. These two have a passion for.....EATING!!! They always see each other in the kitchen. Fate somehow always brings them to each other, either when they're sad, mad, lonely or HUNGRY >.< They feel a weird connection to each other. Seeing each other a lot made them feel slightly comfortable around each other. But, of course, Min ah still wouldn't open up to him and that made the prince curious about her. He keeps on trying to figure out the reason to why she is so cold to others. Min ah would always feel like he's following him and tell him to back off but he doesn't listen and keeps doing it. As time goes by, she started getting used to it and the wall that she built around her finally crumbled down into pieces... After her wall broke down, they started to get used to each other and started liking each other. She finally revealed her true self that hides behind her "personality" that was practically the "wall" that she built herself. It was a if she built her personality to be like the wall that protects her......

commoner LOVE INTEREST » Zelo (from BAP)

BACKUP commoner LOVE INTEREST » Jinyoung (from b1a4), JR (from got7), J-Hope (from BTS)
position in castle » son of the castle gardener/castle gardener


PERSONALITY » He is fun, playful and cheerful. Like Min ah, he lacked love from his parents. His parents died when he was young and started helping with chores and stuff to do around the castle. The castle gardener took him in as his own, but he still craved the love from your REAL parents. But unlike Min ah, he doesn't ignore and be cold to people, he smiles at them and acts silly most of the time. He always has a big smile plastered on his face, but always knows when to be serious.

meeting » Min ah decided to hang out in her personal garden. When she thought that she was alone, she started singing. But without her knowng, the commoner was listening to her singning. The commoner then jumped out of the bushes and started complimenting the princess.

INTERACTION » When the princess told the commoner not to tell anyone about her singing, the commoner made a deal with her. He told her that if she acted calm, friendly and not cold and rude to him, he won't tell anyone about it. They feel comfortable around each other. Some how, a commoner made the wall that the princess built get smaller and weaker each day. Since then, the two started gardening together. Zelo tried to break the ice. In the process,he fell for the ice princess. He did everything to make her like him, from doing silly jokes, to, ATTEMPTING to make her food. She always refused to eat it and say she doesn't have the appetite (*Asian voice* LIES!) to eat. Each day went on and Zelo's jokes and gifts became a routine. Min ah liked how persistent he was, she thought that is was sweet of him. Just like how Min ah feared, she grew attacthed and used to his presence. He managed to break her wall after what seemed like a million years, her wall crumbled down into pices. With out her knowing, her heart wasn't so cold any more, without her knowing, she started smiling and laughing (to which everyone thought was weird and unusual), with out her knowing she fell for him....hard.......




The reason:After the wall she built crumbled down into pieces, they realized why she was so cold. They realized that she was so cold because she didn't want to get too attached to someone in fear that they will leave her like her parents.....


The secret: There is a secret that only one person knows. That person happened to be...well...dead. Are you curious on what the secret is? Well, let me tell you. On December 3, 1995, something big happened. That something was a switch at birth(*silly face*dun dun dun! *serious face*). Sungjong and Zelo aren't who you thought they were. They aren't who they think themselves are. Zelo is the real prince and Sungjong is the real commoner. The one who helped the queen and the castle gardener give birth, switched the two lads right after they were born. Why you ask? Well that's something that's going to remain a secret, for the one who knows the answer is not here anymore.......



last words.

comments/suggestions » For the friends section, I only put two since she doesn't have anymore friends since she is distant and cold. Here's the garden, and bridge, the fountain, this (just imagine a picnic table in the middle) and the actual flowers part and here's her not-so--secret hangout! PS. there's the picture of her in her garden in between her love interests. I bet you're hooked on the last part a.k.a. the secret! I just hope you like her^^ (ps. I want the commoner more than the prince to end up with her since the cold princess fell in love with a commoner! I don't know if I jinxed it by saying that I want the commoner to end up with the Minnie, but, eh, what ever, dream big or go home^^)

scene requests »

-The commoner heard her singning in the garden and fell inlove with her voice

-The prince tries to be friend her and tries even tried to give her a puppy as a present (then she got scared and ran off)

-The purple princess and her became friends since they know each other from when they were younger since the two kingdoms are trading partners and often trade goods.

-Masquerade ball and everyone had to wear masks. The princesses fell inlove with the wrong princes(who they chose as their love interest)

-Min ah was in her garden on the bridge. She heard someone shout and she got startled and lost balance. Just when she was about to fall, she felt skinny but strong hands wrap around her waist. She looked up to see prince Sungjong/Zelo smiling. Then (insert name here) or as Min ah calls him, the castle clown, pushed the two ruining the moment. They landed in the cold lake and was soaking wet. The castle clown took a picture of them in the lake and ran away..hehehe^^

-Min ah falls in love with the prince(or commoner) and the commoner(or prince) confesses to her and she realizes that she loves the commoner(or prince).

password » bedroom and song (the song is what I based the scene request above.)


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