Tagged! You can do this even if you aren't


Rule1: post the rules!

Rule2:Answer the questions the tagged asked you,then make 5 new ones!

Rule3: Tag 5 people andlink them to this post!

Rule4:Let them know youve tagged them!

Rule5: prevoiusly tagged people can be tagged again!!

Questions that I got:

Why do you like Kpop?

- well, I like any type of music for it's most important features: lyrics & rhythm. I also like K-pop because I find it amazing how these K-pop artists aren't just good at singing and stuff. They dance really well too. I've liked it since I was much younger so I guess it just stuck? I do listen to English songs as well. And Japanese too. I'm pretty open to most genres, actually. So yea I guess that's why. And also cos I finally found rappers that know how to rap without cussing too much ahahah.

Have you ever written a fanfic for something unrelated to kpop?

-yes. A friend got stuck halfway through writing a Cody Simpson fanfic so I continued 2 pages. Then she asked me to do it all. X"D I also began writing a One Direction one 2 years ago but gave up on it 5 chapters in 'cause I didn't really like them that much to begin with and I was only doing it for the sake of my friend lol. 

Do you know me?

- hello, Rogue-Renegade. I don't know much about you other than your username, age, country you're from, and the kinda things you write about and the stuff you run on aff. Hope to get to know you better tho <3

Do you like math?

- I guess? I like it but I find it annoying to get a lot of homework. I'm taking Elementary AND Additional Math for my O levels so I guess you could say that I do? But I'm a bit frustrated with Add.Math at the moment. 

Who is your ultimate bias?

- DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE I WILL CRY. I LOVE MY BABIES TOO MUCH. Ma boys from BTS (more to rapmon & suga and maybe even J-hope heehee), ma boys and girls from YGE (more to Tablo, AkMu, Winner B, BB & 2NE1), zico, yongguk and zelo. Lol I don't really know that many bands kekeke. OMG MY GOT7 BABIES. HOW COULD I FORGET MA DARLING JACKSOOONNN. and Arashi as well even tho those Japanese dudes are old. 


NOW! My questions to you. Yes, you!:

1) what do you think of my writing style (if you've read my stories)?

2) what do you typically look for in a good story, fanfic or not.

3) if you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

4) what's your preferred music genre?

5) what's the biggest question in your life (can be on a whole or at this specific time frame)?


i am tagging:

1) Rouge-Renegade (you got me into this; it's only fair I get my retribution xD)

2) VelvetLove01007

3) HaengbokStory

4) zook26

5) Jewels03

and whoever that's reading this!!

peace out girl (and boy) scouts.


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Oh great.
I already have a lot on my list and procrastinating just decided that I'm his new bestfriend :p

Lol. Will be doing this when I'm not lazy aha XD
Fine, fine...i'll try to get to it>< You...I love/hate you^_^