ASIAN fanfics, right?

Let's face it: it's a common stereotype that all 'Asians' are those Chinese looking people with milky white skin that either speak Mandarin or Chinese Dialects or Japanese or Korean or Taiwanese which is pretty much the same as Mandarin or- well, you get me. 


But it appalls me to see that most of the fics on this site is dedicated to : Koreans. Forget the fact that there are hardly any (or none at all) fics about, say, Bollywood stars? Idk. Indonesian celebs? Not that I read them cos I'm not really fans of that but we're talking ASIAN fanfics here. Ok so forget that cos we know no one really reads those fics. But what about all those Taiwanese and Japanese artistes? I mean, that's the common definition of 'Asian', here right? I rarely see those fics and I just checked the Arashi & the members of the groups' tags and there were only 25 fics dedicated to my sister's bias in the group and less than 200 fics tagged 'arashi'


i understand that the k-wave has hit hard across the globe but i just find it saddening (lol) that not much appreciation is given to these people who deserve it - maybe much more than all these Korean peeps. 


Shout out to yall under appreciated people. You rock. 


(End of rant)


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I'm probably going to waste your time like this but I SERIOUSLY AGREE. IT'S ALL ABOUT EXO, SNSD, BIG BANG, 2NE1, CRAYON POP, F(X), ETC. Urgh.