Got a job in Korea + Story news/updates!

Since it was so long ago I mentioned this, I don't know how much I actually mentioned so I'm just going to jump to the conclusion: I GOT A TEACHING JOB IN KOREA! I'm going to be teaching cute little Kindergarteners and Elementary Schoolers how to speak English. I'm not going to be in Seoul or anywhere near there unfortunately. Instead, I'll be in Gwangju which is 3 hours South of Seoul. Right now I'm trying to get all of my documents ready and I'm having a few problems but my recruiter doesn't seem too worried which is fine with me. Hopefully my school is just as understanding.


As for my stories: I'm trying. In my head at the moment, I have two different stories that I'm plotting (and both are similar in theme o.O). I'm really interested in writing both so who knows if I'll get them done or not. One's an EXO story (mainly EXO-M) and the other is a combination of idol groups but both are rated stories >.> Now for the stories I already have on here, I sort of have writer's block. I say sort of because for 'The Wrong Princess', I have the entire story plotted out but for chapter 9, the exact scene is hard to picture and write out - if that makes any sense at all.


In completely unrelated news: my dog keeps sitting on me (she's a German Shepherd)!


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Woah! How did you get a job there?*^*
Woah, sounds exciting. (And I've heard Gwangju is a great place too. Have fun!)