〈 ♂ | ❝EXUARE ENTERTAINMENT ▪ Han Seung Jin 〉


Han Seung Jin
sweetspirit, naomicchu, 9-10

Birthname: Han Seung Jin

▪ Jin (his parents and friends call him that because Seungjin is too long.)

Birthday & place of birth: March 19, 1994 in Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity & Nationaliy: Korean & Korean

Languages spoken: 

▪ Korean (fluent)
▪ English (conversational)

Face-claim: Park Jae Hyun
Back-up face-claim: Jang Hyun Jae
Height, weight: 181 cm and 65 kg
Blood type: AB

Fashion style: Seungjin's style is simple and comfortable. Give him a pair of shorts or pants, a shirt -preferably with sleeves and a pair of sneakers and he's done. He wears anything as long as it is appropriate for the weather and ocassion. He rarely sleeps with a shirt on and he also rarely wears caps and bonnets because it destroys his hairstyle. 

Casual: one | two | three | four | five |
Airport: one | two | three | four | five |
Formal: one | two | three | four | five |
Practice/Dorm: one | two | three | four | five |

Other:* He has two piercings on both his earlobe.



// Qualities — Hardworking, Ambitious, Protective
// Flaws — Control Freak, Sarcastic, Secretive

↳ POSITIVE: Seungjin is a simple guy. He is very hardwoking and he is always determined to get what he wants. And when he wants something, he works hard to get them no matter what. He has very high dreams for himself because his mother always taught him to aim high and become the best so he won't regret anything in the future. And even though a lot of people percieve him as a cold, rude and disrespectful guy because of his aloof exterior, he really is very protective of the ones he loves. He doesn't want anyone to hurt them and he always tries to lead them to the right path and he comforts them -even though sometimes he feels awkward doing it -in his own way.

↳ NEGATIVE: Seungjin is a very control freak kind of guy. He likes every thing to be precise, accurate and perfect. He hates surprises because it caughts him off guard. He is a very serious guy when it come to work, practice and many more. He hates people who are lazy and childish especially spoiled ones. He's a smart-mouth who's very sarcasatic to people he doesn't like and is very irritating in his sight. He's very straightforward saying things that would make people cry without second thoughts and he never backs down on fights or arguments. A little is very known about him because he is just so secretive and he hates people snooping around about him. The only people who really know him deep down is his family members and someof his friends.

↳ ON STAGE: He still rarely smiles in front of the cameras but when he does, it's so breath-taking that makes every fan swoon over him. He sometimes even wink in the cameras which is very shocking because he always has this cold aura or the don't-talk-to-me-because-I-don't-want-to-talk-to-you aura. And because he has a smarthmouth, he sometimes loses control -which is very unlikely for a control freak to do -over his comments and answers over irritating questions he doesn't like. And because of that, sometimes he has the image of a rude, egoistic idol.

↳ OFF STAGE: Well, because Seungjin is a control freak, he wants the dorm to be squeaky clean. He gave chores to the members and set out rules to do and not to do. He also has a huge sense of duty and resposibility so when he sees that the other members has a problem with him or the way he does things, he wants to talk to them immediately about it and even though most of the time he doesn't like what he's hearing, he controls himself for the group and for himself. He always has this don't-disturb-me-or-I-will-kill-you aura whenever he is concerntrating on his cooking, lyrics writing or when he just wants to relax, chill out or sleep.


↳ Han Seung Jin was born on March 19, 1994 in Seoul, South Korea and the only child of Seo Min and Woo Eun. At the young age of 6, Seungjin's mother took Seungjin to piano lessons which developed Seungjin's love for music. He eventually got the hang of it and later on his mother suddenly sent him to take Taekwondo lessons. Having her matra: "Musical Intruments, Martial Art", Seungjin wasn't able to stop his mother for bring to learn Taekwondo. But as music, he learned to love it as well. And also, he loves the smiles and happiness that it gives his parents.

     When he grew up, he became a black belter in taekwondo and he learned two more instruments, the guitar and trumpet. Also, he entered numerous singing competitions and was awarded either first or second place. When he grew older, he started concentrating on his studies to help his parents in the near future. Even though he still plays and practices the piano, he only does it now for fun, hobby or stress reliever. But deep inside he knows he wants something more, something more than treating the music he loves as a stress reliever.

        At the age of 17, his girlfriend, Bae Woo Hee, broke up with him because she was about to debut in an Idol group. It took him by surprise and he was totally heartbroken. And because of such a nerve-wracking moment in his life, he immediately started writing music and he let his pain out through musci. When he was finally able to get back on his feet, he said to his parents that he will study in a University but, he also wants to become an idol and shine. His parents were very uncertain but eventually, let him do what he wants. And since then, Seungjin auditioned for many entertainment companies but with no luck, we was rejected until he auditioned to EXUARE.

Trainee background: 

↳ At a very young age of 6, Seungjin's mother taught him how to play the piano and he immediately fell in love with music. Until he grew up, he continued learning more and more and eventually learned the guitar and trumpet as well. He entered various singing competitions and fortunately won second place medals, if not, first place.

     When he was 17 years old, Seungjin auditioned to different entertainment companies since the late 2010 and since he and his girlfriend broke up. However, luck wasn't on his side. By April 2011, he auditioned at EXUARE ENtertainment and was finally accepted as a trainee. From then on, he immediately started training and worked hard. But later on his training, he was completely shun by most of the male trainees for he was man-island. Because he likes doing things on his own, he didn't have much friends and he focused more on his goal. And by February 2013, his efforts and his hard work finally paid of.




▪ Coca Cola (Softdrinks)
▪ Animals
▪ Children
▪ Expensive Cars
▪ Guitars and other musical instruments


▪ Spoiled Brats
▪ Sasaeng fans
▪ Aegyo
▪ Skinships with people he is not familiar with or doesn't know.
▪ Computer Games 


▪ Jogging in the morning
▪ Reading books
▪ Listening and composing music


▪ Sleeps without a shirt on.
▪ Taps his foot on the floor when he's having fun or being amused.
▪ Scowls when he disagrees with someone or when he sees something he doesn't like.
▪ Couldn't sleep when the light is on.
▪ He couldn't concentrate with what he is doing if someone is watching him and then, he gets angry.



▪ He likes when his hair is styled and up.
▪ He is nearsighted and wears glasses off the camera/stage.
▪ He can play the piano, guitar and trumpet.
▪ He knows Taekwondo.
▪ He is a great cook and likes cleaning and doing chores.
▪ Huge fan of Detective Conan.
▪ A student in Seoul Institute for the Arts.



▪ Seungjin hates surprises that includes surprise birthday parties or unexpected events.
▪ He curses fast when he is angry and furious.
▪ His social networks:
       Instagram: S.Jinichi
       Twitter: @S.Jin94_
▪ He was an ulzzang since the young age of 15.
▪ His ideal type is someone whom he is comfortable with and makes him laugh (which is quite hard) and doesn't suffocate him or tie him down.



▪ Mother, Han Seo Min | 46 | alive | Coffee Shop Owner | Caring, Wants what's best for her child, Protective | Seungji is really close to his mother and father. He always helps his mother at their coffee shop whenever he gets home from school and after he finishes his homework. He is more like a mamma's boy.
▪ Father, Han Woo Eun | 47 | alive | Bussinessman | Ambitious, Perfectionist, Loving | Seungjin is a little distant with his father mainly because he always busies himself with work but deep down, Seungjin knows that his father cares for him and his mother.

Celebrity Friends:

▪ Best Friend, Im Jae Bum | 21 | Idol (GOT7) | 2011 | Friendly, Outgoing, Charismatic | Although they are the complete opposite, Seungjin found comfort in JB. He likes listening to JB's stories and Seungjin can easily JB his worries and feeling.
▪ Close Friend, Lee Ho Won | 23 | Idol (Infinite) | 2012 | Quiet, Mature, Talented | They are both quiet and mature so they clicked immediately. They always find the comfort with each other and they always discuss music, dancing and sometimes even rapping. 
Close Friend, 1LUSION | Idol | 


▪ Name | age | occupation | personality (short paragraph or key words) | why are they rivals

Past relationships:*

▪ Bae Woo Hee | 22 | Idol (Dalshabet) | 1 year | They broke up in 2011 because Woo Hee is going to debut in Dalshabet.


harsh virtuoso - Main vocalist

Trainee years: April 2011 and 3 years
Past company:* None

Solo activities: 

▪ Modelling
▪ Acting


▪ Late 2011 (pre-debut) Seungjin being Woo Hee's ex-boyfriend spreads throughout the net and the fans. 
▪ 2013, Seungjin accidentally hurt a fan for clinging too much on him and touching him without permission.
▪ 2013, his answer in an interview was too sarcastic that the reports and audience didn't like it and he apologizes afterward.
▪ 2013, a fight between him and another member which caused an uproar and constant bickering in the dorm, practice room, or sometimes even on the set but, they resolve it eventually.

Anything else?* 

▪ Singing Twin: Infinite's Woohyun
▪ Dancing Twin: EXO's DO
▪ Rapping Twin: none
▪ Fanclub Name: Treblemakers
▪ Fanclub Color: Soft Blue #3366ff
▪ Motto: "Aim HIGH and DON'T look back!"
▪ Strengths: Lyric Composing, Instrument Playing, Hitting the High Notes
▪ Weakness: Rapping


Love interest:* AN.BEAT (OC)
         Occupation: AN.BEAT
         Birthday: ?

Back-up love interest: Kim Seol Hyun
         Occupation: AOA
         Birthday: January 3, 1995


↳ (Hopefully, someone who is the opposite of Seungjin. [:)

The love story; wishlist:*

↳ ----


Comments: Hope you like him. [: English is not my native language so sorry for all the wrong grammar.
Suggestions or requests: 1LUSION in Weekly Idol and Hello Baby! [:

Are you comfortable with drama? Yes. [:
If chosen, do you allow me to make some small changes with your character? Yes but, I want to know the changes. [:

send the application // return to the story

(application heavily inspired by cerulean's "earth's heaven" theme)


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