140726 update

So, I promised my lovely Aces a double update for "A New Daddy" (I'm working on it) Because you guys were lovely enough to give me 1000+ views!

Okay, but to be honest, I don't think that there will be a double update if any updates today. I'm going to go out with someone today so yeah.

I mean, I know what I'll be writing about. It's all in my head~ But having to write it is just like uGH [FLIPS OVER A GOD DAMNED TABLE]

I have all the 7 or 8 chapters drafted right now for "A New Daddy" lmao So I'm not exactly being lazy, but .. I'm being lazy.

Lololol, I don't know why people subscribe to my stories and upvote them, it kinda worries me. But, have I made the storyline clear?

Someone didn't seem to understand Baekhyun's appearence I flailed for like ten minutes when I woke up [groans]

You guys really need to comment and whatnot, so I know that it's fine for me to continue without uneeded confusion.

im stressin and i want cigarettes. fml. block b, exo and infinite are killing me. liFE WHAT IS LIFE.

sorry I'm pretty dramatic. lmao.

- Joey loves its' Aces

[ "it" and "he" okay? "They" is it's a must ]


P.S: Should I update you on my life? Lmao I'm going to do it anyway. I made a second instagram because why not. Does anyone want to follow me? pffFFFT.

idek it's really hot and I'm supposed to gO OUT IN THIS WEATHER?



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