〈 deadly soulmate 〉— I z a y a S a k a g a w a || J o o n m y u n



〈 Sakagawa, Izaya 

❝ LimSooMie • Sachi • 7-8 


the basics.

name  »  Sakagawa Izaya

nickname(s)  » 

• Sado (Means sadist. That's what people acknowledge her as)

• Kaichou (She preferred to be called like that in her gang)

• Iza-nee (Called by Isana)

dob + age  »  17th October + 17
year level  »  Junior

birthplace + hometown  »  Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan + Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan --> Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity  »  Japanese

languages  » 

• Japanese ( Native )

• Korean ( Fluent )

• English ( Semi-Hiatus )

• Germany ( Conversational )

faceclaim  »  Shinoda Mariko (Majisuka Gakuen Sado)

backup faceclaim  »  Erie Abe


appearance  »  Izaya has a short brown hair with blonde highlights and she has a scar under her eyebrow. Her trademark clothing is the furry grey and white coat which she wears all the time

style  »  Her style is unpredictable but mostly she's more to a punk goth. She wears lace mini skirts and black shirt, boots and knee socks are her favourite, accesories are sacred. And yes, she loves everything black, red and purple. Sometimes she uses mouth mask and it resulting of people being more scared of her than before because of her intense glare. It's like she's out from a manga or something. But sometimes she also like sweaters and jumpers, usually when she's at her house or when she's too lazy to dress

" The law of the jungle does exist my dear " - To Joonmyun

" I love the fact that people fear me,And I want to keep it that way " - To Yifan


don't cry wolf until you have seen the sheep shed its clothing

personality traits  »  Sadist, Cruel, Harsh, Calm, intelligent & Loyal

personality  »  Her name says it all. Izaya or better known as Sado is a sadistic and cruel leader of all delinquent, she is feared and respected at the same time for that. She's like the main character for a pink violence movie, for she is the Queen of the darker parts from Sooman High School. She's known for her impressive ability in fighting and a rather undying energy. What makes her different from other is that she is (Most of the time or when she's not on violent mode) calm and quiet, and mostly because she's intelligent (Both in grades and evil ways). At the same time she's cocky, intimidating and rather indifferent to those she doesn't give a damn about. She is respected for her code of honour. She fights fairly and if she loses, she admits it without any back-attack. Though maybe you will hurt her pride, she never really like losing. She cares about her grades, she promises to the previous leader of Blood Wine (The name of her gang) that she'll graduate with good grades. So no wonder she's one of those straight A or B students. It's rare for her to get a bad grade, usually it's either average or unpredictably good. Mostly it depends on her mood, if she's in her 'hibernation' mode, most likely her grade will go down. It's not unusual for Sado to not smile, her face is already too stiff to form a perfect smile. Maybe a smirk, but a smile?


Putting aside her bad personality, let's talk about her 'quite' positive side. Izaya is a very excellent leader figure. She knows how to handle her members without any violence. Maybe if her temper is foul, 1 glare can shut them all. As far as she goes, it was only when she strangles a disobedient member and she dug her nail on his skin. After that, he got kicked out and never to be back again in front of her. Izaya is actually a caring person, especially with her little sister. She has developed a strong bond to her sister and her partner is crime, Chanhee a.k.a Candy. If she already trust a person enough, she let that person calls her by her real name (She doesn't even want the teachers to call her real name). She never touches or bullies the good students, they didn't do anything wrong to Blood Wine. If one of her members do, she'll scold them harshly (Maybe a slap on the head or just yelling at them)


Interaction with each member (-Joonmyun) [a/n; Because I can :p];


Wu Yi Fan; Maybe the one she's most close with, and it's not because of fluffy friendship and such. Izaya respects him for his power and he does the same. He have to admit it, even though Izaya is a human, she has more to her energy and skills. May not be in the same level as a wolf but close enough to be called a 'superhuman'. Sometimes she's called the female version of him in the school. Or Yifan is the male version of her? Either way, when they meet, there's always a dark aura of both intimidating powers. Seriously, if them both just work together, they can be a deadly duo


Do Kyung Soo; The one Izaya most 'friendly' with and the one she actually developed a friendship with. But no, she doesn't allow him to call her by her real name. She found his neat-freak personality to be amusing despite his quiet attire. At first, Kyungsoo is a bit intimidated by her only because she seems to be the person you do not want to mess with at school. After awhile, Kyungsoo found her positive sides when she asked him to help her with her cooking skills. Kyungsoo is confused on her way of life, he understands her past but doesn't get what good she does from it. But she only smirks at him


Huang Zi Tao; He's an admirer. Nuff said. From the way she talks to the way she fights, he admires her. In Zitao's human strength, she's a step more powerful than him (Human strength, not wolf). He always pairs her up with Yifan in terms of couple (YiYa couple) because them both are literally the same. He's the one who's dares to go up to her and hugs her, in result of Izaya widening her eyes in surprise and her members gasps in both surprise and horror, fearing for the boy's life. But she only sighs and flicks him off, ignoring him. The only thing that keeps her from punching his face is because he had met her little sister and it seems them both had developed a friendship


Kim Min Seok; When the first time they met, the first word that came out of Izaya is '/blinks/ Sunbae?'. Minseok was overjoyed that she does realise he's older than her, but it's all because one of her members knows him and talked about him. Yet Izaya is a bit disturbed on how people always mistake him which also annoys him. She even said to Yifan '/looks at Yifan legs/ Do you mind if I chop off your legs?' 'WOMAN ARE YOU CRAZY?!', and yes, she actually tried to do it a few times (She doesn't even know why)


Zhang Yi Xing; Their first interaction was when she doodled on her free time, being too lazy to do anything or to walk to her hang-out place at the back of the school. That's when she felt a shadow loomed over her, she looked up and meet him. He awed at her drawing skills and pull a chair 'Can you draw a unicorn?' he asked her with a twinkle on his eyes. Her reaction is a blank confused expression and a 'WTF?' on her mind. For her amusement, she denies it. Yet it has grown to her annoyance for her when he asks her to do it everytime they meet and everytime she rejects it. So she draw it for him and gave it to him, telling him to stay away. But then he asked her to draw a princess riding a unicorn (....That sounds awfully wrong)


Lu Han; Izaya is the person who isn't fooled by his innocent attire. She even smirked and challenged him to a fight, which he rejected it. She kept asking him to fight with her, to show his true nature but he rejected it again and again. Izaya throws off some air punches to him just to anger him, in which Luhan didn't even flinch or blink. Izaya smirks and glares at him 'Soon Luhan, you will get out of your sheep fur and show me who you really are inside'


Kim Jong Dae; He is the person who has a death wish. He had actually schemed and plans the perfect prank for Izaya and it only need to take a few steps into Izaya's rage. His previous plans on Izaya had failed. The first time they met, Jongdae had throw an juice box to her and hide. Thinking that he made it, the next day on lunch, Izaya had thrown a metal soda can to his head. He almost gone to a rage, Izaya only raised her hands and said 'Just to be even'


Juvenile twins; Basically the same as Jongdae but they do not have a death wish as him. They rarely interact and she only talked to them when she has some business with Yifan or just simply want to talk to Kyungsoo


Oh Se Hun; On the amount of laziness, both of them are twins. It actually what made them a bit close. They kinda met under the tree when there's recess, Sehun thinking that she's one class with him. They both are bored to death but they didn't do anything. Until Izaya starts to doodle and make some messy origami while Sehun is taking selcas or fixing his hair. Sometimes he took some secret selcas with her (In result of him being punched on the arm) or help her (bug her) with the origami. They only interact when they're super bored


Kim Jong In; Basically Izaya is the girl that became Jongin's challenge because she only think that he's a big laughter. Jongin try to hit her up and flirts with her, but it only results on her flirting him back in a mocking manner and tell him to stay out of her way. He asked her to numerous dates which she blantantly rejects him, yet that boy never gave up (Well...until he met his mate)

likes  »  

• Fighting
• Poetry
• Chicken
• Sword art
• Shinhwa

• Katana
• Silence
• Fair fights
• Biology
• Doodling

• Winter and autumn

dislikes  »  

• Betrayals
• Crayon Pop (No seriously)
• Noisy people
• Being bothered
• Dried fish

• Chemistry
• Rats
• Being bored
• Disobedience

habits  »  

• Doodles (On everything) when bored
•  Smacks her members' head when they did or say something wrong or stupid 
• Kicks something (Mostly chairs) when pissed. When at a person, she crumples up a paper then throws it at the person
• Traces her scar when confused
• You can see her eyes twinkles madly when excited

• Bites her thumb's nail when she realises she had done something terrible or made a mistake

fears  »  

• Being betrayed
• Losing

• When something happened to her sister

hobbies  »  

• Drawing and doodling
• Hand-in-hand combat fighting
• Intimidate people
• Walking on the park / beach on cold seasons
• Making origami

trivia  »  

• Always wear her fur jacket even on summer
• She actually enjoys studying when she's in the right mood
• Her favourite school spot for resting is one the school's park under the tree
• She is the leader of Blood Wine, the school's gang and the bullies who bully the real bullies
• She is not really fond with the girly Queenkas on the school since they're a group of people who mentally hurt people

• She consider herself as a 'Kingka' rather than a 'Queenka'
• She will be nice to those who doesn't know who she really is
• Her favourite school spot for resting is one the school's park under the tree
• Believes that woman has more stronger attire than men, especially if they're already married
• Most teachers fears her, the others tries to get her down dirty but failed. The only one that understands her is the principal

• She brings her own lunchbox
• She's part of the chess club and the representative of art club
•  Many who had witnessed her leadership wants her to run as the student council president but she thinks it's a bother to her 
• Favourite snacks are chips and KitKat. If she's rivaling somebody and that person gave her a KitKat or chips, that's the sign for peace

• She mastered kendo, boxing and karate. Recently learned fencing and taek won do
•  Doesn't call guys 'Oppa', it's disgusting
• Literally hates the colour pink

• She can do sign language because of her sister



our past does not define who we are

background  »  She started as a good girl with a cute cheerful attire at Japan. She had many friends and very lovely to others, the child that everyone loves and admires. Her baby sister, Isana was born with a low immune system and unable to talk, making Izaya much more protective than anything. They attended the same school and Izaya was famous back then. She uses her power to protect her sister, because many people thinks she's a retard and her inability makes those around her pity and underestimate her. But like Izaya, Isana is really smart until all other people are jealous because they're beaten by 'A retarded nobody', including Izaya's best friend who had been secretly bullying Isana behind her back and threatened Isana to not tell her bigger sister. One day, Izaya had gone absent because she had cold. She trusted her 'best friend' to look over Isana when she was sick. And Izaya was shocked when she found her baby sister walking home limping, her left-eye black and her scarf covered a writing 'R E T A R D' on her neck. But Isana just smiled, saying that it's nothing. Izaya knows, oh how she knew who did this. The next day, her 'best friend' acted all innocent and pretended that she didn't know. Izaya only smiles and pulled her into a corner. There, Izaya beat her until she confesses that she does plan the attack with other kids, saying that they do not want to be outshined by a retard. Raging, Izaya kicked her multiple times in the stomach until she was crying. But before  Izaya got away, her best friend took out a scissors and went to stab her with it. Luckily, Izaya realises it and managed to dodge it, but it met with her skin under her eyebrows leaving a scar. Eventually, her 'best friend' got into jail for attempted murder and Izaya is threatened with juvenile prison. When her parents thought it's already over, Izaya turned into a real delinquent. She faltered from studies and even entered a boxing gym, sometimes beating up bullies. Her parents finally think it's time for her to move out from the country for her sake. She agreed to it but Isana must come with her so that she can protect Isana. At first they hesitate but if they don't do it now, it will be more worse. Isana and Izaya flew to Korea and stayed with her grandparents that live there. They were more strict to her but caring otherwise. Izaya kept transferring one school to another because of her violent attire and kept trying to start a fight with another delinquent. Then when she move to Sooman, her bad reputation follows her. At first, people only think of her as the 'bad girl', 'useless delinquent' or 'stupid juvenile'. But then she met Yong Jun Hwa, the leader of Blood Wine. Junhwa was the school's bad girl and smart girl at the same time and she took Izaya in for a little 'teaching'. Izaya eventually became one of them, now she learns that intelligence is the most beautiful violence from Junhwa. Izaya cut her hair short and became what she is now, Sado. As Junhwa graduate, she trusts Blood Wine in Sado's leadership


family  »  

Father | Keiji Sakagawa | 45 | Architect

Mother | Jurina Sakagawa | 42 | Doctor

Little Sister | Isana Sakagawa | 14 | Student

Grandfather | Satoshi Sakagawa | 78 | Retired soldier

Grandmother | Ji Dae Sakagawa (Korean name; Kwon Ji Dae) | 75 | Housewife


friends/rivals  »

Best Friend (Vice-Leader of Blood Wine) |  Gong Chan Hee | 17 | Student | Wacky, Humorous, Cheerful, Fun, Easy-Going | Chanhee is the kind of girl that you want to befriended, she is the energy vitamin and the sunshine for all of the people. Easy to befriend someone or to communicate with strangers. Basically she's the total opposite of Izaya but that's exactly why they're friends. Izaya at first found Chanhee a bit hyper and thought that she has something wrong with her mental because she's always happy. Because, seriously, what the hell is this kid doing n Blood Wine? But nobody can escape this sunshine, eventually they became closer than ever. Chanhee found Izaya's cruelty and her mean attire to not match with her face, which she found quite amusing


bound to him by fate

love interest  »  Kim Joon Myun

backup love interest  »  Zhang Yi Xing


personality  »  He is what Izaya calls 'The Hidden'. Joonmyun is naturally kind to others and polite. He is so well-mannered and such a gentleman to the others they could not help themselves to feel his charms. His kindness is what attracted people to him and what made the others think of him as the 'weakest of the kind'. But not to Izaya. Same as Luhan, she could feel the power inside him. It is indeed the truth that Joonmyun is so nice to others but nobody knows what's inside of him. This smiling prince is actually the most powerful of all on the EXO world. The  alpha of the group, the one that /supposed/ to lead EXO. But to think about it, being an alpha is actually a burden on his shoulder. Sometimes he just wish that he's not the alpha and he doesn't want that kind of responsibility to others. Miraculously, he's able to maintain the group with good balance, and great obstacles following him along as the /supposed to be/ leader. Being the son of an alpha and an alpha himself is certainly not easy, especially when you have 10 other wolves that depends on him


our story  »

They didn't exactly meet. At first, Izaya doesn't even acknowledge him because nobody ever talked about him. But Izaya felt it when they passes each other, she knows that he's a 'Hidden' like Luhan. He appears nice in front of her and everyone as Izaya observed him out of curiousity. But she felt something powerful within him, she had a clear eyes. Yet she could not make it what, it's beyond her skills as a human. She decided to let it go because Joonmyun didn't do anything that catches her eyes. One day, Joonmyun was late for class because he was exhausted for last night's run with the boys. He didn't look at the way and bumped into someone so hard he fell. But he's the only one that falls, while the other latter only looked down at him. Joonmyun apologised and quickly gathered his belongings, doesn't give the latter a second look and runs to class. The latter eyed the paper on the floor before picking it up, look back at Joonmyun but doesn't have any will to call him back. The latter stuffed the paper on her pocket before walking to the school's park. Lunch, Joonmyun for the paper and finally realising that it had fallen. He searched and searched until he reached the school's park. He was about to give up until he saw a figure sitting under the tree, Out of curiousity, he approached the figure. The figure was a girl and she was sleeping under the shadows, away from the light. Joonmyun blinked and reached his hand out to her face. But before their skins meet, the girl grabbed his hands and fluttered her eyes opens. Now she's alarmed and glaring at him, annoyance clear on her blazing orbs. Joonmyun gulped and apologised before fleeing from the scene. He didn't want to be involved into a trouble. The next day, he met the girl again on lunch. He walked up to her and politely apologised for his actions yesterday, offering her a smile in wishing she will do the same to him. But she only blink at him, while the group of people around her table had their eyes wide and their mouth hanging open. And so does the other people on the current place watching them intently, silently pitying him because he's going to 'die' soon. But Izaya only nods her head politely and look back to her food. Even though disappointed that he didn't get a smile from her, he felt a tad relief that he's forgiven. The next day, Joonmyun was confronted by a couple of guys that bullies him. Joonmyun politely asked them to speak nicely and not to ruin his papers he worked hard on. But they didn't listen and mocked him. Joonmyun sighed and was about to strike them before he saw a glimpse of the girl from yesterday. The girl gave a warning blink before she pushed the table in front of her with her feet, painfully trapping the bully between two tables. Joonmyun managed to slip away and took the papers with him while the girl is proceeding her torture. He bellowed in pain and spats curses at her, causing her to push further. His friend apologises to her and begs for her to stop it. She smirked and finally stopped, he coughed and trampled into the floor near her. She glowers on him and kicks his stomach 'Nobody bullies anybody on my watch' she groweled at him as he and his friend ran away. Joonmyun thanked her and said that it wasn't necessary to do that, waiting for her to respond, She only gave him one glance before going to her own seat. Joonmyun sighed when he didn't get another response for her but he did ask for her name. 'Sado' she muttered out to him


After a few lunch together and both of them resting with each other under the tree, they eventually got closer than they think. Although Joonmyun is still expecting a smile from her and a more delicate Sado. That's when he realise, he had fall for her. For real, she is his mate. He loves everything about her, even though she's not the most perfect mate he had expected. But that what makes him love her. He decided to tell her about it, he told her that he's a werewolf and that Sado is his mate. Sado blinked and then snickered, patting his shoulders 'Dear, you must find another way to impress me'. Before she could go, he grasped her arm, preventing her to go. He told her to meet him after school. After school, they went to the most far corner of the school's park, away from other's eyes. There, Joonmyun confessed about everything. His life as a wolf, how he have gotten here and his love for her. How he wanted her in her life and complete him. Sado shook her head and told him that she didn't believe him, she doesn't want to believe him. He asked her to come with him to the forest but she violently reject him. He tried to hug her but she pushes him off, doesn't want him to touch her as she bit her thumb's nail. He said it over and over again that his love is true and he wants her to feel the same. By then, Sado told him everything, that she's scared. She's scared that he'll betray her, she's scared that if she trust him too much she will get hurt and all this time she's scared of that kind of relationship. She's scared to get hurt, to have her heart scarred in the most painful way. Sado has tears in her eyes and not too long before it came flowing to her cheeks, showing him her fragile state. Joonmyun was speechless at her confession, he's seeing a new part of Sado. Is this Izaya? Joonmyun held her close to his chest, near his beating heart. He kissed her forehead and asked her to trust him. That he won't let her down and he will love her until his death. In return, Izaya must accept Joonmyun in her heart and he swears he'll protect her. Hesitating at first, she nodded and allowed him to take his chance


Joonmyun eventually showed his wolf form. It was quite a shock for her since it's the first time for her to see that (She even made a joke revolting around him and Twilight). Their relationship is still rocky, mostly because Izaya is still insecure. But he's always there to remind her that he loves her and they're destined to be together. They mostly hangout on the park under the tree where Joonmyun will lay his head on her lap as they rest. Joonmyun always kisses her hands, which she's with it. But she always caught off-guard when he kisses her cheek or nose. When Joonmyun calls her Izaya, she gives her a warning glare; saying that she still doesn't want him to call her by her real name. But Joonmyun just shrugged it off. There won't be a day that Joonmyun didn't pamper her with his sweet words and tons of 'I love you' and an even more tons of skinship. He also still waiting for the day that Izaya will smile at him


last words.

comments/suggestions/questions  »  I FINISHEEEDDDD IIITTTTTTTTT~~~~~ Okai so, thank you for reviewing and I hope you like her. If I have mistakes please do inform me and I'll try to fix it right away. Hope you consider her, thank you /bows/

scene requests  »  

Joonmyun meeting the members of Blood Wine

After a while of their relationship, Izaya tells him about her past

Izaya falls asleep on his shoulder, while he pulls her closer to him and lays his head on hers

Their first kiss (Omaigad please please pleaseeeeeeeee /cries/)

Joonmyun meeting Isana


password  »  'A reader lives a thousand lives before the person dies. The man who never reads lives only one' - George RR Martin


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can i use your idea for the interaction with each member?
i won't use it if you're not okay with it :-)
(and hey sado, have you watched majisuka gakuen?)