...-_- ....ㄴ(^(-)^)ㄱ

Lalalalalala...<(*^__^*)> *pout and sit on the floor* *stand up again* Lalalalalala *sigh* I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DOOOOO!!!!! *run and cries* *look at sleeping kazuki* wake up!!!! oh,shhhh...dont disturb him...-_-' AAAAHHHH!!!! shh...*whisper* where is mr.sun?? i miss u!!*turn on the light* ^^...... YAH!!!! YOU YOU YOU AND YOU >.< *glare at u* ....HI!!! ;DDDD (why i wrote this?? *knock my head with a pan and faint*) -FIN ^^- hehehe..sorry for waste ur time.BYE ;D *faint again*


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Unnniieee~!!! *runs to u and hugs u*
Lol, you're losing your mind >.<
Omo! The midget became cray-cray!
if i has nothing to do i'll jump onto my bed and sleep xDD
I love sleep <333