
username. -hatchin
nickname. tha bae
activity level. 10/10
name. song chae rin
+ rinnie-poo ・ people who want to make her mad call her this tbh she hates rinnie poo it sounds disgusting
+ oujo-sama/ohime-sama ・ used by seoul hero's japanese crew because lets be honest, chae rin is the most pretentious pretty pink princess
age. 21
birthday. 07/29 ・ don't work too hard lol
ethnicity. korean
nationality. korean
itaewon, seoul
hometown.itaewon, seoul
+ korean  native
english  conversational (knows a lot of words and pronunciations but is terrible at grammar. "hello. do you how do?")
faceclaim. cheska
pictures. gallery
backup. soyul
pictures. gallery
height. 152 cm + 4'9"
weight. 47 kg + 104 lbs
chae rin will always choose an a-line dress to a bandage dress, hair ribbons to up dos, pajama sets to teddys, and everything inbetween. vintage is highly prized, but not required. juniper falls for dresses with pockets or a fun pattern.

d r e s s e s s 
c a r d i g a n 
a c c e  s o r   i e s
o x f o r d
chae rin has her septum piereced because its the cool thing to do man.

key traits
+  charismatic, fun, whimsical, passionate, "charming"
- rude, pretentious, fake, over-dramatic, boastful

chae rin is either the most pretentious special snowflake or the most unique and poetic gal ever. she thinks that because she's cultured and drinks organic coffee and eats dirt and water that she's inherently better than everyone else. she will never flat out say that she's better, but it is heavily implied, as well as the rarity in her qualities despite being exactly like everyone else only listening to some lame greasy band that no one's ever heard about because they most likely . she's been known to make statements like "i'm the girl who would rather read on a friday night than go party" and "i'm friends with guys because girls start too much drama". she's the type of chick who's against e-books because having an expensive and space consuming library makes you much more of a literary fan. she's the chick who claims she vegan and shames everyone else for eating meat when she knows damn while that wasn't no vegan pizza. everyone just has to acknowledge how different she is and she is cool otherwise things are really uncomfortable for her, she deserves to be famous because wow she has her septum pierced, she's so edgy and misunderstood, where's her following?

with natural charisma and a powerful stage presence, its near impossible to ignore chae rin. which is great because no matter how "modest" and "coy" she acts, she loves being the apple of everyone's eyes. chae rin was made for fanmeets, she was made for radio shows, she was made for the stage. she's always equipped with an arsenal of bad jokes and silly anecdotes and pretentious life lessons about how she wants to build a school in africa because she thinks it'll show people how much of a humanitarian she is. people naturally gravitate around her, as if she was earth and they were the moon. chae rin is an endless source of entertainment, a real riot that will have you slapping your knee. she lacks a mind-to-mouth filter, and while she does say the huntiest things known to man, she says things that are completely out of left field like "why his whole booty out" or "i just shattered my tiddy bone" or "i'm just a bean" or "i would wear drake's ballsack like an eyepatch??"

chae rin has to be the biggest drama queen since julius caesar. everything is either really amazing like the grace of god or everything is god awful and her life is over. chae rin overreacts to just about everything, someone ate her food? wow everyone in this dorm must hate her, she didn't even do anything all she wanted was to eat her damn food and if she eats any other food hse will die bc she's a vegan for a reason (that's totally not to be seen as cool). someone scared him? wow is he going into cardiac arrest i think he is call an ambulance because his life has only been an unanswered shout into the void. something totally minor happens? what the actual hell she is a good person she doesn't deserve this, she volunteered in a soup kitchen and took selfies with homeless people once because she wanted to show her sns followers how much of a humanitarian she is. she literally does not know how to be subtle about anything at all, not even when it comes to booty she likes. speaking of guys she likes, she always considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are. wow a guy looked in her general direction? they're gonna get married.

hope you like feminist rants, that's kinda her thing. she truly believes in advancing the rights of all women and chae rin feels duty bound to promote the well fare and self-esteem of all women because it absolutely is not okay for super junior to say that fat girls don't take care of themselves when shindong looks like he reeks of cheese and nasty ballsack. chae rin passionately supports a few key causes like going green and equal rights and universal healthcare. she is one who you don't want to pick an argument with about these things with because she will obliterate you while defending her beliefs very eloquently and stubbornly. chae rin gets excited over weird and mundane things that make people think she's crazy. if she sees bunnies playing she'll coo in adoration, or she'll gasp and place a hand over her heart if a baby grabs her finger, she stops to pet every pet, and nearly cries when she gets extra chicken nuggets with her happy meal. chae rin is much more tough than the world gives her credit for. don't be fooled by the big glasses and the cat sweaters--chae rin is a force to be reckoned with. she has no fear of bugs and no desire to be anyone's damsel in distress. she's also playful and whimsical, and if you hang out with her enough, you'll find yourself laughing at yourself more and taking life less seriously.

every compliment that chae rin gives seems to not really be a compliment, but rather a watered down insult like, "wow this isn't the worst thing i've ever tasted" or "you sound much less like a drowning rat than i thought you would!" there is a fine line between sassy and being an and chae rin crosses that line nearly every day. despite her pretty face, chae rin is shady as hell and not to be trusted. she has no chill either and she will go off. she will talk mad about even the tiniest things. chae rin is so fake and two-faced too like she serves up the hottest ever when someone's back is her but the minute they look at her she coughs and looks away because yes she's scared of getting her whooped. chae rin will not hesitate to give you an 85 minute lecture on why you're awful and need to stay at least gazillion feet away from her
chae rin's mom died when she was younger and her dad was always a busy surgeon who wanted to provide only the best for his little princess. since he was always gone, he hired a lil ole thai lady to take care of chae rin who seemed to know more thai than korean. she was always a bit lonely, and reveled in the little attention from her dad she did get.
+ attention ; yes all eyes on her its her life source tbh
+ making metaphors ; everything is a metaphor although her metaphors get kinda weird 
+ banned books ; its shows everyone else's closed mentality and fear of the truth

+ vegan things ; pfft yeah those were vegan cookies costs her like $20 too
+ being unique ; shes the most special snowflake in the world
+ plants ; protect the planet

+ people who don't like or get her metaphors ; how dare you
+ uncultured people ; read up on platos philosophy and some john green and then come talk to her
+ large coorporations ; down with capitalism down with big business
+ music about , drugs, and money ; how dare people actually sing about things they may enjoy. plebs
+ people who misuse "ironic" and "literally" ; those words do not mean what you think they do
+ quoting john green ; hes so deep man, hes a revolutionary thinker of the 21st century
+ watching hospital shows ; things like untold stories of the er and omg emt
+ spoken word ; she can combine her beloved prose and some sick rhymes
+ changes her hair color every week and a half and usually sticks to pastels
+ talks with her hands
+ sounds like a donkey when she laughs
+ gets offended whenever she lays eyes on a fedora
+ puts stickers on and highlights everything
+ she usually talks very properly, almost annoyingly proper ( "idk can you??" ) but when she gets upset she does a 180 turn and starts talking very ghetto ( "on my mama you need to stay in ur own damn lane u petty hoe" )
+ oblivion & not being able to make her mark on the world ; who wants to be a nobody?? she would literally break down and have her third existential crisis in 21 years if that happened to her
+ conformity ; whats the point of living if you're just gonna become a clone of society???
+ wouldn't be caught dead in neon colors. also would rather die before dying her hair a neon color
+ loves otome games but she'd never admit it bc she's not a nerd
+ she's actually pretty good at rapping
+ favorite books are flowers for algernon, lord of the flies, and of course the fault in our stars
+ only shops at modcloth
+ actually tried being vegan but was too weak and gave in to the temptaion of animal procucts
+ has existential crisises for just about everything
+ nanny 
kwaanfah yoonim  72  nanny  sweet, supportive, loving  no matter what chae rin wanted to do, kwaanfah was always there to encourage her, unlike her father who often rained on her parade. kwaanfah watched over chae rin for just about her entire life, and has easily become a mother figure for her. she always tries and goes to seoul heros gigs.
best friend  park hye kyung "soyul"  22  student  silly, energetic, loyal, sweetheart  soyul probably has to be one of the few real friends chae rin has. she never gets annoyed with how pretentious chae rin is and she often gives chae rin's ego an undeserved boost.  soyul has always been by chae rin's side through the awkward breakups and the complaining about her dad and the long all nighters pulled to get into seoul uni.
love interest

first meeting
*love story
"what instrument(s) do you play? for how long have you played it/them?"
+ "my instrument has been around the longest, since the dawn of man. my beautiful and perfect voice that i have been gracing everyone's ears with since i could speak,"
"how did you start playing the/those instrument(s)?"
+ "even when i was younger, i differed. i wanted to be a singer instead of a model or a housewife, so i asked my daddy for singing lessons so i would have something to do with all of my spare time,"
"what level do you play at on a scale of 1 to 5 - 1 being a beginner, 5 being a guru on everything about your instrument."
+ "naturally i'm a 5. i would accept nothing less from myself and anyone who says otherwise is just petty and bitter and needs to stay in their own damn lane"
"do you have any special talents?"
+ "my voice is very powerful and can cut through the heaviest instrument in the band with ease, my chest register is wide and elastic, making it perfect for both high and low notes. my rolling vibrato is top notch. i'm acclaimed for having a third lung with wonderful breath control,"
"what kind of music do you like?"
+ "i like indie. you know, things not a lot of people know about. but not korean indie, more like thai and english indie,"
"do you/can you sing?"
+ "i am practically a goddess when it comes to singing literally no one else can compare to me. i'm different from all these kpop singers,"
“how has music influenced your life, if at all?”
+ "i guess... it helped me feel less alone. during vocal lessons i was with other people who loved to sing like i did, and even though i had kwaanfah around, it wasn't the same,"
"do you hope to become famous with your musical talent?"
+ "of course! i need to spread my musical prowress and amazing heavenly voice with the entire world—nay—the entire universe!!"
"what are your dreams for the future? do you want a family? do you want a certain job? tell me all of it!"
+ "i want to be an anesthetic nurse married to a hot doctor with beautiful children and a pet armadillo because dogs and cats are too mainstream"
comments. swag money
also i didnt want to make this app too long for u bae gomen
cherry fliter's andromeda
anything by cherry filter tbh
bebop's im the best
anything by scandal
puffy amiyumi's call me what you like (if you like rock n roll)
shonen knife
asian kung fu generation
k-on songs (i kno im weeaboo trash) like don't say lazy and no thank you
scene requests. can she have a 1 night stand with jackson wang pls and thank u
password. seoul hero + mv/guitarist


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