3rd Grading Results ^_^ I Wanna Share This With You

Hi guys :)

So, Friday afternoon is our distribution of cards..



So, I already got my grades in 5 subjects..

I wasn't expecting to get REALLY HIGH grades, but I also didn't expect to flunk in Math!!!

Gah, I don't know why I got so low in Math..

Well, almost all girls in my class are confused why we went 4 or more points down..


I'll just share with you the results I got ^^ I'll know the others on Friday..

And mind you, it is hard studying in Makati SCIENCE High School..

3rd Quarter Results:

Math- 85 x_x

Filipino- 93

ICT (Information and Computer Technology)- 94

Trigonometry- 95

MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education, Health)- 95

So yeah, my problem is Math.. We really can't understand why we got lower grades when we actually performed better in the 3rd quarter than the 2nd quarter..

*clenches fists*


Anyway, I think I'd get an advantage in English II (Basic English) and Elective English (Grammar and Composition) since I am used to writing in English xDDDDD

Yeah, I'll be posting another blog in a while, please check it out ^^


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@yuu014:<br />
really? in what city? well, in maksci, it is.. x_x gah.. and some teachers are really frustrating me..
Ur grades are so high! What's ur top?!