mixed emotions

Ok so HAPPY NEWWWSS! my sister gave birth to my beautiful niece yesterday, just a day after my muslim bday~ i am so happy and excited to have this new arrival ma shaa Allah thank you God!


Not so happy news. I was being a bloody lazy pig today and slept till 5pm and i feel like a for missing a prayer. And now my mum's mad at me ): la'allallahu yaghfir lii innahu ghafuurarrahiima. Wa lakinnanii aghdob bi nafsii )':


I know no one rly reads this so ya. Bai.


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Hi, I do read it, even if I don't understand everything you write (when it's not in English :P)
Congrats to your sister, that's really nice. I hope she fine and recovering weel, and that the baby is healthy :)
im reading this bai XD

youre older today!!!!!

woot woot~
I'm reading this. Hee
Congrats on getting a niece unnie. Pastikan unnie buli dia habis-habisan. ahahahaah xD
Oof, Ash pernah nie tau: Tidur smpai kul 7 rasanya, pastu ayah kejut. Tup2 tak solah asar lagi. terus lari ambik wudhu xD
Terlepaskan unnie? asal ganti :)

Hope everything work out for you soon, and I'm so sorry for not really being a supportive dongsaeng. /slaps
Happy Muslim birthday! :)