R.I.P. Yoo Chae Yeong

I feel sad because I really like her.  I honestly thought she was a comedian when I first saw her though I can't remember what variety show it was.  It was only later that I learned that she's actually a singer.  I think I've watched her the most in Star Golden Bell.


I can still remember when people in the show congratulated her on getting married.  I can still remember how pretty she looked in her wedding photoshoots which was unlike the funny image she always shows on TV.  She was really pretty in it and she looked so happy.  Her husband was handsome too!!!


I can still remember her imitating I.U. in the dance battle~


Though the video is funny, I can't help but feel sad after watching it.


May she rest in peace.


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I'm now watching Fashion King and can't believe she's died. Rest in peace ㅠㅠ
She passed? I just heard about her having cancer and it's happened so quickly? Wow...
What happened to her ?
RIP Yoo Chae Yeong. I was shocked with the news :(